Fang Ze said: "Not sure, it's a matter of whether he agrees or not."

Wu Fei nodded slightly.

This is also normal.

It is reasonable for an ordinary student to suddenly hear about such a dangerous task, whether it is refusal or fear.

"Calculate the time, it's almost there."

As soon as Fang Ze's voice fell, the phone rang.

Taking a look at the caller ID, Fang Ze got up and said, "I'm leaving first, you need to rest."

"Okay, Captain, walk slowly."

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 494 The two meet [2]

0000 at midnight.

Yangcheng Bureau Interrogation Room.

Yu Sin was handcuffed and sat quietly on the iron chair.

His face was a little ugly.

He had no idea why he was caught here.

Plus before, this is the second time.

And this time, it's not the police station, but the city bureau! The guards are extremely strict.

There is no chance of leaving.

At some point, the door to the room was pushed open.

Yu Sin subconsciously raised his head.

Fang Ze stepped in and sat opposite Yu Sin.

After seeing Fang Ze, Yu Sin's face became even more ugly.

He suddenly felt that he was being played by the other party.

It is impossible to escape the control of the provincial government.

From beginning to end, they have been under Fang Ze's eyes! There is only one explanation.

Fang Ze took out the cigarette case and said with a smile, "Do you smoke?"

Yu Sin didn't speak, just stared at him.

Seeing this, Fang Ze shrugged and took out a cigarette to light it.

He didn't speak any more.

For a while, the atmosphere of the interrogation room became a little quiet.

After a while, Yu Sin finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Why did you arrest me?"

Fang Ze let out a breath of smoke and said strangely, "I didn't catch you."


Yu Xun opened his mouth, not knowing what to ask next.

"Who caught me and what are you doing here?"

Fang Ze smiled and said: "I asked, you hurt someone under the bridge, isn't it right to arrest you?"

"As a student of the police academy, you can't know the law and break the law."

Hearing this, Yu Sin frowned and said, "That guy kidnapped An Jialu, I'm just self-defense!"

"Do not."

Fang Ze stretched out his hand and said, "It's not just self-defense, but excessive self-defense."


Yu Sin's eyes narrowed and he said, "What's wrong with him?"

Fang Ze said: "I'm injured, but it's still very serious."

Yu Sin's brows furrowed even deeper.

He just pushed the other party, and the other party was injured and so fragile. At this moment, he was a little confused.

Fang Ze continued to wait.

He was waiting for Yu Sin to speak first.

After a while, Yu Sin said, "What will happen to me?"

Fang Ze said: "It's fine, it's not a big problem."

As soon as these words came out, Yu Xun seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

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