However, Fang Ze's next words made his complexion suddenly change.

"You'll be out after a few months in jail, don't worry."

"What did you say!"

Yu Sin immediately became: excited, and seemed to want to stand up.

But he was bound by the iron chair and couldn't stand up at all.


Fang Ze said calmly, "You hurt people.

"You and I"

Yu Sin's lips trembled.

If he goes to jail, he will be forever.

And when the news came back to his hometown, he and his father would not be able to lift their heads for the rest of their lives.

become a joke.

He couldn't accept the fact that a police academy student went to jail.

After a cigarette ended, Fang Ze smiled and said, "Otherwise, you will make up for it."


Yu Sin seemed to see hope, and quickly said: "How to do it?"

Fang Ze got up, came to Yu Sin, and said slowly, "Be my undercover agent."


Yu Sin frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly froze.

He seemed to understand something.

Right now, he

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He suddenly looked up at Fang Ze and said, "You"

"It's all your doing, right!"

Fang Ze raised his brows: "Oh how?"

Yu Sin said solemnly: "From the first day of the Yangcheng training camp to the present, everything I have experienced has been directed by you behind the scenes, right?"

Fang Ze held his chin and thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's right."

After being affirmed, Yu Sin became more excited: "I fought with you!!"

But he couldn't get out of the iron chair at all.

Fang Ze pressed his palm down and said with a smile, "Don't get excited, don't get excited, everything is easy to discuss."

"Negotiate a fart!!"

Yu Sin snorted angrily.

On the first day, the clothes were pulled into the police station until An Jialu was kidnapped

Then face jail time.

Knowing that all this was done by Fang Ze, Yu Sin's inner anger can be imagined.

The commander-in-chief of the dignified provincial and departmental criminal police corps, he thinks it is too much for a student without police status! Fang Ze said calmly: "Two ways."

"First, be my undercover agent, don't have grievances, and carry out the task conscientiously."

"Second, go to jail."

"Choose for yourself."

The reason why he planned this is because he saw through the character of Yu Sin.

For a young man like Yu Xun, what he wants is stability.

There is absolutely no reason why he would never carry out such a dangerous mission.

And the potential of the remaining sin is far more than that.

Fang Ze, I hope to cultivate it well.

A police officer is not the end of the guilt.

Not even the starting point.

His starting point will be higher.

Facing the two choices given by Fang Ze, Yu Sin said with an ugly face: "You are blackmailing me!"

Fang Ze nodded and said, "Yes."


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