Yu Sin looked at Fang Ze in amazement.

This guy is too shameless! Immediately, he said coldly: "I said I hurt people, do you have any evidence and show it to me!"

He is very clear.

Since all this was arranged by Fang Ze, the so-called "excessive defense"

, is definitely fake.

The other party can't really be seriously injured.

Hearing this, Fang Ze smiled and took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Yu Sin.

The rest subconsciously took it.

This is an identification certificate.

Appraisal certificate for minor injuries! It has a letterhead and a seal, which is true.

Yu Sin's face became a little more exciting.

He almost forgot that the other party's identity was the captain of the criminal police.

It is very simple to get a real identification certificate.

"You are fake! Use power for personal gain!"

Fang Ze said indifferently: "So what?"

Yu Sin was almost deprived of oxygen by Fang Zeqi.

The gap between the two sides is too great to be able to fight.

Looking at Yu Sin who was blushing, Fang Ze was silent for a while, and said, "Yu Sin, do you want to hear my story?"

Yu Sin frowned: "What do you mean?"

Fang Ze moved a chair and sat next to Yu Sin.

"Listen to me, how I went from an ordinary detective to now."

"Listen to me, the darkness beneath the light."

"I'm not talking to you about dedication, that's bullshit."

"I just want you to know more."

"Under one-sided perception, don't make decisions lightly."

Of course, Fang Ze wouldn't really let Yu Sin go to jail.

This is a psychological tactic.

After experiencing this, the remaining sin will be transformed

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Chapter 495 Yu Sin agrees [1]

"I remember the first case I solved was two years ago."

Fang Ze's voice was calm, neither joy nor sorrow.

No pride or regret.

As if he wasn't telling his own story, but someone else's story.

And Yu Xun was also listening carefully.

Originally he was not interested.

But as Fang Ze's voice sounded, the anger in his heart was gradually replaced by another emotion.

This emotion can be said to be curious, or it can be said to be anticipation.

In fact, he admires Fang Ze.

Countless cases have been solved, and injustice has been cleared up.

With one's own strength, the world will be clear and bright.

No one does not admire such a police officer.

Including residual crimes.

Fang Ze continued to speak.

"A lot of things are changed from a different angle, and there is no right or wrong."

"I only do what I think is right."

"I am lucky, and the friends around me are very supportive."

"The leadership also valued me very much and gave me enough rights."

"The power is great, the ability is enough, and the responsibility is heavier, what do you think?"

Yu Sin didn't answer Fang Ze's question and continued to listen.

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