Yu Sin looked at him and said, "Whether it's experience, skill or disguise, it should be easy for you, right?"

Fang Ze nodded: "Yes, very simple."

Yu Sin said: "If that's the case, why don't you take care of it yourself? Isn't it bigger?"

To this question, Fang Ze replied: "This case is very complicated, not as simple as you think."

"The undercover mission is long-term, but I need to go to the light and deal with another thing."

"I'm tired of being cloned."

Hearing this, Yu Sin looked at Fang Ze, nodded and said, "Captain Fang really worked hard, I understand."

He knew that Fang Ze would not be idle.

The reason why it takes so much effort to select undercover agents is that they are really too busy.

The conversation between the two came to an end.

Yu Sin has agreed.

Or, tentatively agree.

Fang Ze stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Please, after the case is over, I'll give you a superintendent, how about the second level?"


Yu Sin looked at Fang Ze in surprise.

For a newly recruited police officer, the second-level superintendent is indeed a bit high.

Many directors are also at this level.

He nodded, not showing much joy.

The high police rank brings high risk.

This guilt is very clear.

"be careful."

Fang Ze said something, then turned around and left the interrogation room.

Leave the remaining sins alone, and prepare for what is to come.

Although he didn't know what kind of undercover mission he was going to perform.

Inside the City Hall.

Everyone is here.

Fang Ze said as he walked, "Have Fu Guosheng made arrangements?"

Tang Hui said: "It has been arranged, because a small matter is caught, and it will be released in a few days."


Fang Ze nodded and said, "According to the original plan, put Yu Sin with him."

"I don't think he will let me down."

"Tomorrow I will go to Guangming, and then I will make time to come back."

"Remember, you must keep Yu Sin safe in prison."

Everyone said in unison, "Understood!"


Fang Ze waved at Luo's refill, and the two quickly left the city bureau.

As for Lin Yujing, she had been arranged by Fang Ze to stay in Yangcheng, staring at Yu Sin's situation.

Divide the work on both sides and do it at the same time.

This time, Fang Ze has already made up his mind to sweep Su Hai's smuggling and drugs.

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 496 Do you want to fight? 【1】

One o'clock.

Fang Ze didn't plan to rest, but drove with Luo refills all the way to Guangming.

It's not because of time constraints, but from Miyagi, a message has already been sent.

At this moment, Miyagi and his subordinates, a total of twelve people, were blocked in the nest by dozens of people holding long swords and steel pipes.

What Miyagi said before was right.

Compared with the big cake of Yangcheng, Guangming is a small cake.

Once outsiders want to join in and get a share of the pie, no one will agree.

The cake is so big.

Conflict is inevitable.

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