Not to mention smuggling, it is the same in any industry today.

Otherwise, there will not be so many people who want to monopolize, and one family will dominate.

Being able to achieve a monopoly means that you are already at the top of the industry.

So is smuggling.

Inside the car.

Luo Bixin turned to look at the speed on the dashboard.

The city's elevated speed limit, originally [-], has been driven to more than [-] by Fang Ze.

Violations have long been made into a comic strip.

It's a small matter, just make a report.

"is there time"

Luo Bixin asked.

She already knew about the current situation.

Fang Ze said: "Almost, the palace team can probably handle it."

Luo Bixin seemed to be a little worried about Miyagi's safety, and after a little pondering, he said, "Can't you just catch it?"


Fang Ze turned his head in doubt, glanced at Luo Bixin, and said, "What's the point of that, isn't it completely exposed?"

"At that time, the entire smuggling gang in the Guangming Underground may immediately turn underground under alertness."

Hearing this, Luo Bixin said in surprise: "You want to clean it all up"


Fang Ze nodded.

"I see."

She had misunderstood Fang Ze's intentions.

Originally thought that the other party just wanted to crack down on smuggling in Guangming City, but I didn't expect it to be all in one go.

In effect, this method is the fastest.

The premise is that the flaws cannot be seen by others.

To do this is actually not easy.

"A group of forces suddenly appeared, will they doubt it?"

Luo Bixin was worried.

Fang Ze said: "Yes."

"If the power is huge, there will be doubts."

"Small powers don't have to worry, the smuggling network in Guangming City is already very fast."

Luo Bixin said: "But if it is a small force, it is not enough to compete with those people."

Fang Ze did not speak.

Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze for a while, and suddenly understood something.

At the moment, she smiled and said, "I almost forgot you."

She understood what Fang Ze meant.

With Fang Ze's strength, he can reach a hundred people

The gate of a factory in the suburbs of Guangming.

There are no residential buildings around, and it is sparsely populated.

Especially after zero 0000, there is not a single ghost.

This time is also a high point of crime.

At the entrance of the factory, two groups of people are facing each other.

There was darkness outside the door, and there were at least forty people.

There are twelve people inside the gate, and Miyagi is among them.

He had changed his appearance, had a beard, and wore a peaked cap.

If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to recognize it.

"Dare to intercept my goods"

"Are you looking for death!"

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

A man holding a long sword pointed at Miyagi in front of him and said angrily.

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