The door is open.

Fang Ze got out of the car slowly and looked at the dark crowd ahead.

"What's the matter, are you going to fight?"

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Chapter 497 One hit forty [2]

Seeing Fang Ze arrive at the right time, Miyagi breathed a sigh of relief.

Fighting against the smuggling of the entire Guangming City with the power of ten people and ten people cannot be exposed.

This is really too difficult.

To be honest, he couldn't do it.

Now that Fang Ze is here, things are much easier to handle.

"how do you drive"

"Didn't you see anyone in front of you!"

Bi Peng shouted from a distance.

Fang Ze smiled, took out a cigarette and lit it.

At this time, he was wearing a pair of glasses, and his facial contours also changed slightly.

Unless they are familiar with each other, they will not recognize each other.

After exhaling a puff of smoke, he said, "Sorry, I didn't stop the car."

Bi Peng glanced at Fang Ze and said, "Go go! Go go!"

After speaking, he turned to look at Miyagi and said, "Continue to bump!"


At this moment, a scream, once again attracted everyone's attention.

Bi Peng and Liu Guang turned their heads.

Fang Ze kicked one person flying and snatched the steel pipe from his hand.

Stepping forward, Fang Ze held a steel pipe and chuckled, "Everyone, come to my site to make trouble, did you say hello in advance?"

The atmosphere was quiet.

After a while, Bi Peng's eyes turned cold and he walked over.

After taking a look at Fang Ze, he said, "You are their boss."

Fang Ze smiled and said, "I ate with me."

"Where are they guilty?"

"I apologize for them, how"

Being affirmed, Bi Peng's first reaction was surprise.

First of all, Fang Ze is too young.

Secondly, Fang Ze seems to be a student of Wen Crepe.

Such a person would be the leader of smuggling, but the astonishment lasted only a second before being replaced by anger.

Bi Peng said angrily: "Apologize"

"Your people, robbed my goods, apologizing is useless!"

Fang Ze was smoking a cigarette, his smile remained the same: "Then what do you want?"

Bi Peng looked at Fang Ze, then at Miyagi and the others inside the iron gate, and said, "You're a little brave, so let's go."

"Give me the goods, then mix with me, and keep you delicious and spicy."

Hearing this, Fang Ze watched Bi Peng seriously for a while, then threw away the cigarette and stomped it out.

"Sounds good."

Bi Peng smiled and said, "Of course, we"

Bang! Before he finished speaking, his body flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

Fang Ze kept his kicking posture and said lightly, "You're not qualified yet."


"Boss, are you alright!"

The younger brothers hurriedly stepped forward to help Bi Peng up.

Beside him, Liu Guang's face changed slightly, becoming: very condensed.

Bi Peng's head was a little confused.

Fang Ze's actions were really too fast.

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