He didn't even see the other side's raised foot clearly.

After a few seconds, his face instantly turned grim.

"you wanna die!"

"Hack him to death for me!"


Beside him, Liu Guang also ordered, signaling everyone to do something.

Inside the iron gate, Miyagi was startled, and he stepped forward to open the iron lock.

"Stay inside."

Fang Ze said something to Miyagi, then took the steel pipe and rushed into the crowd.

bang! bang! bang! muffled sound

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It sounded, accompanied by screams one after another, Fang Ze was like a wolf entering a flock, and began to unilaterally beat him.

Five minutes later, Fang Ze stood in front of Bi Peng and Liu Guang.

Behind him was a man lying on the ground.

From time to time there was a sound of mourning, which was very tragic.

The two stared blankly at the crowd all over the floor and couldn't help swallowing.

In five minutes, one person beats forty people to make a movie! On the other hand, Miyagi was also shocked, and then shook his head with a smile.

Unexpectedly, he still underestimated Fang Ze.

The main reason is that since he knew the other party, he has never seen the other party make a move, and he doesn't know his strength.

Now I finally see it.

Luo Bixin opened the car door, calmly bypassed the people rolling on the ground, and stood behind Fang Ze.

Fang Ze lifted the steel pipe and put it on Bi Peng's neck.

This action made Bi Peng shudder and sweat.

"Do you still want the goods?"

Fang Ze smiled.

Bi Peng reacted and said quickly: "No no no no!"

Fang Ze turned his head: "How about you?"

Liu Guang gasped for breath and said, "I don't want it anymore!"


Fang Ze nodded and put down the steel pipe: "That's right, doing business, making money with peace, what do you think?"

"It's shameless!"

These four words, the two can only think about it in their hearts, and say they dare not say it.

"Yes Yes Yes"

The two nodded in succession.

Fang Ze said: "Two, I won't give it away."

Bi Peng and Liu Guang were amnesty, and they hurriedly took their subordinates and left the place in embarrassment.

Fang Ze threw away the steel pipe, turned and walked towards the gate.

Miyagi quickly opened it.

When Bi Peng and Liu Guang's people walked away, Fang Ze took out a cigarette and lit it, saying, "How is the investigation?"

The blood in Miyagi's heart has not yet calmed down, and he took a deep breath and said: "Boss Fang, I found it."

"Now the smuggling gang in the bright underground has developed into a gang, which is difficult to handle."

Hearing this, Fang Ze pondered for a while, and said, "Do you know exactly?"

Miyagi shook his head: "I haven't integrated it yet."

"The specific location and distribution of forces, I don't know now."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "Actually, this is easier to catch. As long as you get into the core, you can catch it all at once."

Miyagi opened his mouth, but did not speak.

The words are correct, but the question is how to enter the core, Fang Ze continued to ask: "Have you checked the port?"

Miyagi nodded and said, "I checked."

"However, the number of companies and goods is too large, and it is difficult to conduct extensive investigations, and it is easy to be alarmed."

"A few problematic ones have been found so far."

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