Fang Ze said: "It's not blocked."

Miyagi said: "No, waiting for your order."

"it is good."

Fang Ze nodded, "At dawn, we will take over one-third of the port, and those without formalities will be deducted."

Hearing this, Miyagi wondered: "Boss, why is this?"

Fang Ze chuckled and said, "Create the illusion of mutual help."

"Time is precious, we can't mix qualifications, and taking what we need is the most effective way."

Miyagi still didn't understand.

"Let's rest first, you'll know in two days."

Fang Ze patted Miyagi's shoulder.

"it is good."

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 498 Occupy the second passage of the port [1]

The next day at 8:[-] am.

Fang Ze first had a phone call with Lin Yujing to understand and arrange things on Yu Sin's side.

He was really worried.

Therefore, Lin Yujing is required to inform him before making a decision.

At the same time, try your best to give Yu Sin as much freedom as possible without interfering too much.

Only in this way can the number of vulnerabilities be minimized.

Fang Ze knew that Fu Guosheng was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

After so many years, I have experienced what I have experienced, and I have known what I should know.

Of course, the other party understands the trick of undercover.

As long as a new person suddenly appears around, no matter what

Whether it is true or false, the first reaction is doubt.

Then, there are endless trials.

This is a guarantee of safety.

Only after going through layers of tests can the rest of the sins come into contact with the core.

Therefore, from Yu Sin's first meeting with Fu Guosheng until the end of the mission, every little thing during the period must be treated with caution.

At the very least, the story has to be complete.

Fang Ze knew this before he was released from prison.

But after being released from prison, it will be up to the rest of the guilt.

At that time, Fang Ze couldn't help much.

At this moment, in the port of light.

Fang Ze took Miyagi and others and directly stopped a forklift.

The car is full of cargo.

Don't know what it is.

"What are you doing get out of the way."

The man driving with sunglasses stretched his head and shouted.

Fang Ze held a cigarette and raised his palm.

Behind him, two people stepped forward and directly pulled the man out of the car.

"What are you doing! Ah!"

The man struggled hard, but to no avail.

Fang Ze said in a low voice, "I want these goods."


"You are going to rob!"

The man seemed to have never encountered such a situation before, and after being stunned for a moment, he opened his mouth.

Fang Ze took a few steps forward, looked at the man and said with a smile, "Can't you?"


"In broad daylight, you dare to rob!"

Fang Ze shrugged, took out his phone and said, "Do you need to help you call the police?"

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