It's just that such a blatant gang has never appeared before.

What's more terrifying is that the police don't care

What does this show mean that the boss of this group of people has a good background.

Some people are starting to think about bankruptcy.

Give some protection fees to ensure the safety of your own goods

4 p.m. [-].

toy factory.

"Boss, there is a man named Zhao Wei who said he wanted to see you outside to discuss cooperation."

Fang Ze, who was playing poker, said without turning his head, "Let him wait and finish this game... Let's talk about it."

"it is good."

The person who came to deliver the message nodded and turned to leave.

outside the door.

"The boss told you to wait and play this card."

Hearing this, the eyes of the man outside the door fluctuated, and anger began to appear in his heart.

He was very restrained, trying to keep himself smiling.

This person was the subordinate beside Boss Chen before.

"Okay, then I'll wait a while."


The people who came to deliver the message left without looking back.

This made Zhao Wei's anger even stronger.

But he can't have a seizure, what Boss Chen means is to make money with anger.

At least before the two sides have turned their faces, they must ensure their attitude.

Time passed slowly.

An hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Said it was one hit, Fang Ze hit more than a dozen times.

When he left the factory, Zhao Wei's patience was almost exhausted.

If it weren't for Boss Chen's words, it was still there: mind.

Just yelled.

A small gang of only ten people and ten people, he didn't take it seriously at all.

According to his temperament, he should lead people to pacify this side, and teach these rampant outsiders a lesson.

Hearing footsteps, Zhao Wei.

Fang Ze stood in front of him.

The two were separated by an iron gate.

Seeing that the other party didn't mean to open the door, Zhao Wei took a deep breath and smiled, "What's the name of the boss?"

Fang Ze lit a cigarette and said, "Fang, is there anything wrong?"

Zhao Wei said: "It turned out to be Boss Fang, hello."

"That's right, I was entrusted by Boss Chen to come and talk to you about cooperation."

Hearing this, Fang Ze was puzzled: "Boss Chen doesn't know the cooperation."

Zhao Wei's expression remained unchanged: "Nearly half of the goods you robbed at the port are related to Boss Chen."


Fang Ze raised his brows and said:

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"So this guy surnamed Chen is a bright smuggler."

Hearing this, Zhao Wei frowned: "Boss Fang, be careful."

"Is not it"

Fang Ze asked back.

Zhao Wei stared at Fang Ze for a while, then suddenly smiled: "Boss Fang is barely right when he says so."

"I wonder if you can think about it"

Fang Ze didn't speak, as if he was thinking.

Zhao Wei waited quietly.

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