Boss Chen said that as long as the other party can't wait to reach a cooperation, it means that this person has a problem.

"What kind of cooperation law"

After a while, Fang Ze asked.

Zhao Wei smiled and said: "We ship the goods, and Boss Fang helps to deliver them, giving you [-]% of the profit."

Fang Ze blinked and said, "It sounds good, or else?"

Zhao Wei's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Why don't I make a suggestion"


Zhao Wei's smile remained unchanged, and he said, "Boss Fang, please speak."

Fang Ze coughed lightly and said, "Give me all the smuggling channels and sources of goods in Guangming, and I will give the bosses a monthly dividend of [-] yuan, how about"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Wei's smile slowly subsided, and his face sank.

He said coldly, "Boss Fang, are you kidding me?"

Isn't that [-] yuan a month for beggars! It's not even enough to support his subordinates! Fang Ze also restrained his smile and said lightly, "Do you think I'm joking?"

Zhao Wei gritted his teeth and said: "Boss Fang, come to Guangming to do business, don't be too arrogant!"

"Believe it or not"

"threaten me"

Fang Ze interrupted Zhao Wei's voice and sneered: "Okay, I haven't heard any threats for a long time."

"Now I've changed my mind."

"First, all I wanted was the second passage. From now on, I want the whole port."

"Second, all the smugglers of Guangming, including the guy named Chen in your mouth, get out of Guangming within three days."

"If you can't do it, I'll send them off myself."

After hearing Fang Ze's words, Zhao Wei was stunned for a moment, and he almost couldn't help laughing.

"Boss Fang, you want to control the whole light"

"With such a big appetite, I'm not afraid of breaking the front teeth"

Fang Ze let out a breath of smoke and said, "Don't be afraid."

"Today's words, I will repeat it to Boss Chen as it is, there is no room for negotiation."

"Remember, I only give you three days."


After speaking, Fang Ze didn't listen to Zhao Wei's response at all, he turned his head and left.

Leaving Zhao Wei alone outside the door, standing in the sun doubting life.

A gang of 10 people and [-] people, the smuggling gangsters who want to destroy the light can't be so crazy, this guy, is it because he has lost his mind and is crazy "Wait for death!"

Zhao Wei stood there and watched for a while, then turned and left

"What did you say get out of the light in three days!"

Boss Chen stood up abruptly, his face very exciting.

Zhao Wei nodded slowly and said, "That's what he said."


Boss Chen laughed angrily.

"Okay, very good, I originally wanted to discuss cooperation with him, but I didn't expect him to be crazy, what a shit!"

"Notify all the forces that the toy factory will be destroyed tonight!"

Zhao Wei sneered and nodded, "Yes!"

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 502 Anti-encirclement [4]

1:[-] that night.

It's late at night.

The night was quiet and windless.

Because the toy factory is in the suburbs, the occasional insect chirping can be heard.

The lights were on in the factory, and it seemed that they hadn't slept yet.

At this time, there are no pedestrians on the road.

At a certain moment, a dozen vans approached from the end of the road and stopped not far away.

The door opened, and one after another strong men jumped out of the car, holding wooden sticks and steel pipes in their hands.

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