But a little tired.

Bang bang bang! At this moment, the sound of gunshots sounded! And it wasn't a pistol, it was an automatic rifle! All of a sudden, everyone's footsteps stopped abruptly, and they turned their heads and looked around, looking suspicious.

The next moment, a dozen people rushed out from nowhere.

Everyone is holding an automatic rifle! "Don't move!"

"Put down your weapon, hold your head and squat down! Or I'll kill you!"

"Quick! Hold your head and squat down!"

A dozen people surrounded a hundred people and 100! While holding primitive weapons, they were holding automatic rifles.

The gap in between is not that big.

"You! You! And you! Put the pistol down!"

Miyagi held a rifle and pointed at several of them and said loudly.

"I only give you three seconds 3, one!"

"Two 2!"

The countdown of three seconds and three is like the voice of death.

The eldest ones with guns suddenly turned pale.

Without any hesitation, they hurriedly threw away the pistol.

At the same time, I was shocked! What is the origin of this group of people! They even have rifles! They even have a bang bang bang! The gunshots sounded again.

"Squat down!"

More than a dozen people shouted angrily again.

Bang bang! As one person throws away the steel pipe, there is a chain effect.

Bang dang! Bang dang! In the courtyard, nearly a hundred people threw away their weapons one after another and squatted down with their heads up.

Rush with the man with the rifle, isn't it nonsense! Soon, only Boss Chen was left standing.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he didn't smoke, the ashes had already burned most of the time.

The look, in addition to being stunned, is still stunned.

Mixed with surprise.

Fang Ze walked slowly and stood in front of him.

"what's the name"

Fang Ze smiled.

Boss Chen was agitated, he quickly exhaled his cigarette, bent over and said with a flattering smile: "Hello, Boss Fang, my name is Chen Yan."

"It turned out to be Boss Chen"

"No, no, you can just call me Xiao Chen."

"Oh, Xiao Chen."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "What do you think of my previous proposal?"


Chen Yan was stunned for a moment, and then quickly remembered.

"That... that... Boss Fang, what you said is true"

Kacha! Before he finished speaking, Fang Ze took out his pistol, loaded the bullet, and pointed at Chen Yan's forehead.

"How is it"

Fang Ze's smile remained unchanged.

Chen Yan was startled and raised his hand quickly: "Boss Fang, Boss Fang, if you have something to say, you have something to say."

Fang Ze said, "I'm listening."

Chen Yan swallowed his saliva and quietly looked at the dozen or so people with rifles.

After struggling for a long time, he could only grit his teeth and say, "Okay! Just do as Boss Fang said!"

"In three days, we leave the light!"

Fang Ze nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's good."

"You talk about such a trivial matter, and let more than [-] subordinates come together, how troublesome."

"Just find someone to spread the word"

Chen Yan scolded inwardly, but did not dare to say more, and nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, what Boss Fang said is yes."

Fang Ze put away the pistol and said with a smile, "I don't need to give it to you."

"Oh no no no."

"Go, go! Go!"

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