Chen Yan shouted and ran out of the toy factory first.

Behind them, hundreds of people didn't even want their weapons, they got up and rolled and chased after them.

To be pointed at by a dozen rifles is too scary for them! Please read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 503 The thoughts of both sides [1]

Chen Yan had already gone far, got in the car and left the place quickly.

Several bosses did not leave, but shrugged their heads and returned to the commercial building with Chen Yan.

The hall was filled with smoke.

Each had a cigarette in his hand, and his face was full of sadness.

The fact that they left the light within three days was a fatal blow to them.

By the window, Chen Yan looked dejected, staring blankly at the night scene outside.

It feels like years of painstaking efforts have come to nothing overnight.

This time, I really encountered a tough stubble.

Standard rifle.

What is the origin of the other party! The police disguise has been completely rejected by him.

If this is the case, the other party will not disagree with the cooperation that Zhao Wei talks about.

More importantly, they will definitely not be let go tonight, just catch them all in one go.

You must know that the boss of Guangming smuggling has almost all been present.

At this moment, there was only helplessness in his heart.

In the face of this group of fierce people, he has no intention of confrontation.

Especially their boss.

From beginning to end, it was extremely calm, as if everything was under control.

Young but terrifying.

Could it be that he really can't keep up with the times, countless thoughts flashed in his mind, Chen Yan stood there quietly, lost in thought.

The more he thought about it, the more it felt wrong.

Your own judgment should be correct.

Although the opponent's strength background is not bad, but after all, it is bright at the beginning, and everything is still in the initial stage.

Yes, a guide or collaborator is very much needed.

Since it is for money, everyone can coexist peacefully and discuss, everything is easy to say.

How could they just let them get out of the light and think for a while before he could come up with a clue, Chen Yan turned around and said, "Zhao Wei!"

"I'm here, boss."

Hearing Chen Yan calling him, Zhao Wei, who was standing not far away, trotted all the way and came to Chen Yan.

Looking at Zhao Wei who was still a little scared, Chen Yan frowned and said, "How did you talk to him?"

"I didn't say, keep your attitude and make money with peace!"

"Until you find out the details, don't offend me for the time being. You didn't do what I said."

"How did things get so serious?"

Facing Chen Yan's questioning, Zhao Wei swallowed and said, "I have a good attitude."

"I told him to cooperate, but he actually said let us give up the channels and sources of goods, and then give us [-] yuan per month."

"Of course I'm angry, just"

"That's it!"

Chen Yan asked in a cold voice.

Zhao Wei was startled, and quickly said, "Just a little threat."

Clap! With a crisp sound, Chen Yan slapped Zhao Wei's face with a big mouth.

"Bastard! Are you stupid!"

"I didn't say, be polite, be polite!"

"You're welcome, don't you understand!"

The conversation between the two fell into the ears of others, and they all turned their heads and stared at Zhao Wei.

It turns out that the crux of the problem is here! If it wasn't for Zhao Wei's threats, he might still be able to talk about it.

Well now, it is completely deadlocked, and it is impossible to reconcile.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry boss, I was wrong."

Zhao Wei touched his face and kept bowing to admit his mistake.

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