Chen Yan said: "Sir, I have nothing else.

When you first came to Guangming, you first seized the second channel of the port, and you also charged [-]% of the profit."

"I think"

Having said that, he stopped talking.

"what do you think"

Chen Yandao: "I think you want to find a collaborator, and then gain a firm foothold in Guangming."

"Smuggling should be relatively unfamiliar to you."

Hearing this, Fang Ze was noncommittal and did not answer.

Chen Yan waited for a while, and after not seeing Fang Ze speak, he continued: "Sir, you have absolutely no problem choosing me."

"More than [-]% of the channels in Guangming are within my grasp."

"Apart from that, as long as

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You think, we can still have a monopoly."

He has already seen Fang Ze's strength.

There are only advantages and no disadvantages in cooperating with powerful people.

No one can live with money.

Every time he thinks of these, Chen Yan feels that he was too impulsive last night.

Knowing that there are so many benefits of cooperation, the relationship between the two sides will not be so stiff.

Fortunately, the other party didn't take it too seriously.

This also made Chen Yan a little admired.

Although the man in front of him is young, he has a big heart, and at first glance, he is someone who does big things.

Hearing this, Fang Ze took a cigarette and said, "Apart from the goods I robbed, what else is there?"

Hearing this, Chen Yan hurriedly said: "Sir, if you take those goods, just take them."

Fang Ze waved his hand and interrupted, "Tell me the point."

"oh good good"

Chen Yan nodded and said: "Besides, there are cars, cosmetics and jewelry, as well as some high-end luxury goods."

"The most profitable and the most dangerous is luxury."


Fang Ze recited these three words silently, and said, "What about the sales channels?"

Mentioning this matter, Chen Yan patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry about the sales, the supply is in short supply!"


Fang Ze nodded, lost in thought.

Chen Yan didn't speak any more and waited quietly.

After a while, Fang Ze sighed: "In the end, it's still some necessities of life, not a lucrative business."

"It's hard to make money these days."

Hearing this, Chen Yan hesitated for a while, and said, "Sir, you did it before"

Fang Ze smiled and said, "It's just a small business, it's not a classy place."

Chen Yan also smiled and said, "Mr. is too modest. Compared with you, I am far worse."

"You said just now, south"

Fang Ze glanced at Chen Yan and said, "What happened to the south?"

"nothing, nothing"

Chen Yan quickly waved his hand and said, "I remember that there are small countries in the south, and there are very few ways to make money, only"

Fang Ze did not speak.

Chen Yan coughed lightly and said, "Only drugs"

This is his guess.

Judging from Fang Ze's strength, those places in the south seem to only have a business of drugs.

And the other party just said that it is very dangerous.

The description is very likely.

Fang Ze smiled and shook his head.

"It's the past, so let's not mention it."

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