"It's not a long-term solution to worry about making money all day long."

He didn't answer directly, but he admitted Chen Yan's guess in disguise.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Yan took a deep breath and looked at Fang Ze with respect.

Which two kinds of business are popular in the world is money laundering.

The second is the drug trade.

And the danger is very high, and it needs to be very strong.

High risk comes with high return.

Seemingly seeing Fang Ze's dissatisfaction, Chen Yan was silent for a while, then said, "Sir, are you still interested in this aspect?"


Fang Ze looked at Chen Yan, his eyes flickering.

"You have a way"

"I can't see it, Boss Chen."

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 506 Only know one surname? 【1】

inside the room.

Fang Ze looked at Chen Yan with a smile on his lips, the fluctuations in his eyes were intriguing.

Being stared at by Fang Ze, Chen Yan seemed a little embarrassed, and said, "Don't be afraid of the joke, Mr. After all, after so many years in Guangming, people from all walks of life know a little bit."

Fang Ze's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "including drugs."


Chen Yan coughed lightly and nodded slowly.

If faced with others, he would not say this.

But Fang Ze is from the "south side"

The big man who came, walks up to this big tree, the future will be bright, isn't it their world? Fang Ze glanced at Chen Yan and asked casually, "Who is the other party?"

Chen Yan didn't hide it, and said directly: "I don't know the exact name, only the last name is Lu."

"what about others"

Chen Yan said: "The others are not clear."


Fang Ze raised his brows and said strangely, "Just know a surname"

Chen Yan nodded helplessly: "Yes, I know a surname."

"This guy is a very cautious person. If I hadn't stayed in Guangming for a long time, he wouldn't have known me easily."

Fang Ze stood up and paced back and forth: "In other words, you asked him to get the goods."

"Well, I did, but not much."

Chen Yan nodded.

Fang Ze pondered for a while, and said, "I remember that on the inland side, the market should be bad."

Chen Yan said with a smile: "Sir, someone who has experience at first glance is right."

"The drug business is very strictly controlled on the inland side, and there is not much space: so there are few people who take risks."

Hearing this, Fang Ze chuckled lightly and said, "The city made it by itself, not what I wanted."

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

Hearing this, Chen Yan's eyes lit up: "What does Mr. mean?"

Fang Ze waved his hand and said, "It's too early to say this, I don't understand the situation of the light."

"But no matter what business you do, the first thing you have to do is transportation."

"It's the most important bridge."

"I have to eat a little bit of rice. I'm here this time to gain a firm foothold in Guangming, understand?"

Chen Yan nodded again and again: "Yes yes yes"

He has already seen this.

Otherwise, the other party would not have occupied the port and cut off the most important lifeline of smuggling as soon as they came to the light.

As long as the other party can control Guangming Port, it means that the smuggling gangs in the whole city must act according to Fang Ze's face.

Unless, you have the ability to kill him.

But after going through last night, I am afraid that no one dares to hold such a thought.

He has already figured it out.

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