Under Yuan Zhengfeng's order, more than a dozen criminal policemen walked into Wang Wuzhu's house and began a careful and extensive investigation.


Fang Ze said.

"it is good."

Yuan Zhengfeng nodded and instructed the remaining two to raise the cordon.

At this moment, the originally calm investigation work suddenly became: tense.

The atmosphere was very solemn.

Fang Ze was quite indifferent. When he was idle and bored, he came to the villagers and asked casually, "How big is this village?"

"Leader, our village is quite big, and we can't reach the end if we walk along this path for a long time."

A woman replied.

Fang Ze nodded with a smile, and said, "Do you usually grow crops? It's crops."

"Plant, plant rice."

Fang Ze: "Apart from rice, is there anything else?"

"Yes, and soybeans and cotton."

Fang Ze: "Oh, that's good. Besides planting, are there other sources of income?"

Some villagers replied: "Some leaders, some people raise pigs, chickens and ducks"


Fang Ze listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

Coupled with his youth and smile, all the villagers feel that the leader of the city is very approachable.

It's like going back to the last century.

"Excuse me, does anyone grow poppies?"

At a certain moment, Fang Ze suddenly asked.

Luo Bixin glanced at Fang Ze and continued to listen.


"Leader, what is a poppy?"

Fang Ze explained with a smile: "It's the rice shell flower."

Everyone was still puzzled, not knowing what the other party said.

Fang Ze's smile remained unchanged, and continued: "Elephant Valley"

"Rice Bag"

"Big Smoke Shell"

Speaking of this, some villagers shouted: "Yes! I know the big smoke shell!"

Fang Ze turned his head and waved at him.

The man took a few steps forward and said, "Leader, there are people."

Fang Ze looked at him and said, "How many seeds have you planted?"

The man scratched his head, shook his head and said, "I don't know how many, how many.

Hearing this, Fang Ze's smile narrowed.

And Luo Bixin's expression changed, and he said, "What did you say about how many acres are there!"

There is nothing wrong with poppy, if a few are grown privately.

This is a medical medicinal material, and it can also be used as a food condiment to enhance the taste and freshness.

It is very common among the people.

But any more would be illegal.

If there are more than [-] plants, it is a crime.

If there are more than [-] plants, the nature is relatively serious and can be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than five years and a fine or confiscation of property.

Of course, the laws in this regard are relatively lax.

As long as the poppies are eradicated before they mature, they can basically be exempted from punishment.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


But the poppy on several acres of land is not a small problem.

Ordinary people, it is absolutely impossible to plant acres and acres.

The purpose must be very clear.

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