The man didn't know why Luo Bixin reacted so strongly, so he pointed to the back and said, "It's on the mountainside behind the village, it was planted by Cao Yuan."

"he is"

Luo Bixin just wanted to continue to ask Cao Yuan's whereabouts, but was stopped by Fang Ze raising his hand.

"How long has it been planted"

This question caused many villagers to look at each other in dismay.

"It's been a few years"

"Forgot, it's been a few years"

Several people spoke one after another, unable to determine the exact time.


Fang Ze nodded and said, "Do you know that this stuff can't be grown?"

"Can't Plant"

The villagers shook their heads and said they didn't know.

"Why can't you plant it?"

"Yeah, why can't I plant it, is there any danger?"

Seeing this, Fang Ze took a breath and said, "Apart from Cao Yuan, are there any other races?"

"I don't have any."

"I didn't plant either."

"Me too!"

"This thing is useless, it's not delicious to grow it, and no one wants it."

Fang Ze and Luo Bixin looked at each other.

They know that this Bamboo Forest Village is too remote, and the concept of the rule of law is extremely weak.

If it goes on like this, something big will happen sooner or later.

Although most of the villagers are very simple, they have no bad intentions.

But ignorance is sometimes the most terrifying.


At this time, Yuan Zhengfeng came running from Wang Wuzhu's house.

Fang Ze turned his head.

"Nothing found."

Yuan Zhengfeng said.


Fang Ze looked strange, did not speak, and walked towards the tiled house.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Fang Ze's brows began to wrinkle.

Although it is a large open-air courtyard, there is a faint smell in the air.

The smell is unpleasant.

However, it is not surprising in the countryside. They often raise poultry, and the environment is naturally not much better.

In particular, Wang Wuzhu's home was even more dilapidated.

The yard is very messy, obviously it hasn't been cleaned up for a long time.

A dozen policemen stood in the yard, watching Yuan Zhengfeng and Fang Ze, waiting for their next order.

Fang Ze did not enter the room, but stood there for a while and sniffed, frowning deeper and deeper.

At the end, his face gradually turned cold.

Seeing Fang Ze's changing expression, Yuan Zhengfeng was a little bit drumming and didn't dare to say more.

I don't know why the other party is suddenly angry.

Is there something wrong with myself? "Pen refill."

"Ah what's wrong"

Fang Ze said, "Do you know what it tastes like?"

Luo Bixin smelled it and said, "The smell of rot, isn't that the case in remote villages?"

She didn't think there was a problem.

Cabbage rots, animals rot, trees rot, etc.

These smells are mixed together, and it is really unpleasant.

Fang Ze turned to look at Luo Bixin and said, "Think again."

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