
Luo Bixin frowned and pondered for a while, then suddenly his face froze.


"The smell of rotting corpses!"

Hearing this, Yuan Zhengfeng next to him was immediately startled.

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Chapter 515 Forty-eight corpses [1]


"The smell of rotting corpses"


While Yuan Zhengfeng was shocked, he asked three questions in a row.

As a criminal police officer, forensics is not his specialty.

Plus a little lack of experience.

So even if he knew what a rotting corpse smelled like, he couldn't separate it from the mess at all.

And Fang Ze, he actually smelled "Have you searched?"

Fang Ze glanced at Wang Wuzhu, who was standing there, and asked.


Yuan Zhengfeng glanced at the surrounding environment, and was a little unsure for a while.

Rationally, he still believed in Fang Ze's judgment.

Not for anything else.

Just because Fang Ze has never had a wrongful conviction.

Not even an unsolved case.

As long as the case is investigated by the other side, the whole truth will be revealed.

His words should not be wrong.

The smell of rotting corpses is such a big tile-roofed house, where could it be hidden? Could Yuan Zhengfeng subconsciously glance at the ground?

"Fang team, wait a moment."

Yuan Zhengfeng said something, and personally took people into the house.


"Pick up all these messy things on the ground!"

Yuan Zhengfeng pointed to the "garbage" piled up in the room

, shouted loudly.


More than a dozen police officers took orders and started work immediately.

As the ground became cleaner, a thick wooden cover appeared in everyone's sight.

Yuan Zhengfeng raised his hand and gestured to open it.

Two police officers stepped forward and lifted the wooden cover.

What was exposed was a cellar opening.

Immediately, a thick stench came to my face! The unpleasant smell that was in the air before, mainly came from here! It was only because of the seal of the wooden lid that the smell was thinner.

The smell is rushing out now, very pungent.

Even these policemen with very good psychological qualities are tumbling in their stomachs at this time.

Yuan Zhengfeng's face sank immediately.

"Control Wang Wuzhu!"

"The rest, go down and see!"

Two orders were issued quickly.

Outside the door, Wang Wuzhu, who had been standing there, was grabbed by the shoulders of two policemen, waiting for the final result of the investigation.

Fang Ze watched this scene quietly and did not intervene.

He took out a cigarette and lit it.

Although his face was calm, there was a coldness in his eyes and a hint of helplessness.

But I don't know where the helplessness comes from.

Beside him, Luo Bixin looked at the busy police officers in the house and said, "Anyone who is missing?"

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