Fang Ze slowly exhaled a breath of smoke and said, "It should be."

"It's all here"


Luo Bixin glanced at Wang Wuzhu, who had never resisted, and continued to ask, "How many?"

Fang Ze did not answer this question.

Luo Bixin did not ask.

No one knows this number until the results come out.

Fang Ze is not a fairy either.

ten minutes later.

Yuan Zhengfeng walked out of the room with a gloomy face and stood in front of Wang Wuzhu.

Behind him, three bodies were carried out.

on the corpse, without any

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Clothes, covered with white cloth.

Two men and one woman.

"Wang Wuzhu! What else do you have to say!"

Yuan Zhengfeng pointed at him and said angrily.

This bastard! He was almost deceived by the honest and honest appearance of the other party! Facing the corpse that was found out, Wang Wuzhu lowered his head and didn't say a word.

"What about the others!"

Yuan Zhengfeng shouted.

Only three bodies have been found so far, but the number of missing persons is still far away.

The three bodies are no coincidence.

The disappearance of a dozen or twenty people may have nothing to do with this Wang Wuzhu.

During the previous investigation, there were already clues pointing to Wang Wuzhu.

But it's not hard evidence, it's just a clue, and it was finally perfectly rounded up by the other party.

Now it looks like this guy has been lying all along.

Wang Wuzhu still did not speak.

It doesn't appear to be ready to explain.

Yuan Zhengfeng stared at him for a while, then turned around and came to Fang Ze.

"Fang team, you see"

Fang Ze did not speak.

After stomping on the cigarette, he walked to the vegetable garden in the yard.

He picked up the shovel lying on the side and turned it over slightly.

It's all new soil, and it's still deep.

It shows that the nearby land has been deeply excavated in recent months.

"Dig up all this land."

Fang Ze threw away the shovel and said.

"it is good."

Yuan Zhengfeng nodded and waved his hand to signal his police officers to do it.

Fang Ze stood beside him and watched silently.

Soon, a second cellar opening appeared.

Then came the third one, and Yuan Zhengfeng's face became more and more ugly.

He had a very bad feeling.

"Close the door, and no one can come near!"

Yuan Zhengfeng rushed out the door and shouted.

If new bodies continue to appear, then this is a big case! Once the news leaks, fishing boats will break out across the country.

Confidentiality measures must be done well before there is no leadership instruction.

Fang Ze did not stop Yuan Zhengfeng.

Because this is the right way to do it.

If it was him, he would do the same at the first time.

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