Undercover missions here are special and long-term.

No one knows when the task ends, nor when the variable happens.

It can be said that every day is very stressful.

The provincial department is only a peripheral assistant, and the key to the success of the mission is almost all there.

I also don't know if the hairy boy who didn't even graduate from the police academy can withstand the tests that come one after another.

Many times, it's not... the pain of flesh and blood is as simple as that.

Psychological stress is the first thing to overcome.

Interior hall.

"Fang Ze, is there a time limit for this undercover mission?"

It was Luo Bixin who spoke.

Given her relationship with Fang Ze, no one felt inappropriate to call her by her first name.

Fang Ze said: "No."

"It's a long-term mission."

"The time may last for half a year, it may last for a year."

"Even, for more than a year."

"For safety's sake, we can't force more sins."

"Take your time, step by step, don't rush."

He is very clear.

Every quick success will make Fu Guosheng's suspicion increase by one point.

The more doubts there are, the more threats to the safety of Yu Sin's life.

Even if the mission fails, Fang Ze will not let this happen.

He's not the kind of person...with selfless dedication.

There is only one premise for all actions: to ensure your own safety first.


Luo Bixin nodded, agreeing with Fang Ze's words.

As a detective, she knows the nature of undercover operations.

Some special circumstances, and even enduring humiliation for several years or even ten years, is not a strange thing.

This is the detective.

The conversation between the two fell into the ears of the mouse, making him unable to bear to look at Fang Ze a few more times.

As a good brother of Yu Sin, what he cares about is not the success of the mission, but the safety of Yu Sin's life.

Fang Ze's remarks gave him a shot of reassurance.

Leaders who care about the safety of their subordinates are the most respected.

Beside her, Lin Yujing said, "I don't know how far Yu Xun is now."

Fang Ze said: "According to the time, Fu Guosheng will eat and entertain with Yu Sin on the first day."

"The next day, I will visit my company with Yu Sin."

"On the third day, it was to win over."

"I think the current Fu Guosheng should be on the move."

He guessed right.

At the moment in Fu Guosheng's villa, Yu Sin was chatting with each other.

The topic of conversation is like a sin.

Hearing Fang Ze's words, Lin Yujing said, "He shouldn't use Yu Sin directly, right?"

This question seems like nonsense.

Fang Ze smiled and said, "Of course not."

"Fu Guosheng is such a cautious person."

"Even if Yu Sin once saved him in prison, he would not rashly use a new person."

"The risk factor is too high."

"At the very least, observe it for a while."

Speaking of this, Fang Ze pondered for a while, and said, "I remember Fu Guosheng's adulthood.

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Supplies company, have a warehouse?"

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