Lin Yujing nodded and said, "Yes, there is one."

Hearing this, Fang Ze turned his head and said, "Open the map of the whole city and mark this point."

"Yes, Fang team."

The electronic information police officer of the provincial office nodded, then operated the computer and called up a high-definition map of the city.

This is a satellite map, after zooming in, you can clearly see every building, even details.

The screen quickly lights up and zooms in.

This is a warehouse outside the urban area, surrounded by dilapidated low-rise buildings.

Only a few hundred meters away, there is a commercial building.

But it seems to be unfinished and has been suspended.

And this commercial building is just opposite the warehouse of Fu Guosheng's company.

Fang Ze watched for a while, and said, "Officer Lin, at night you, Tang Hui, and the mouse will go to the ninth floor of the commercial building to monitor this warehouse day and night."

Lin Yujing wondered: "Why monitor the warehouse?"

Fang Ze said: "Since Fu Guosheng wants to observe Yu Xun for a period of time, he will definitely arrange a job for him."

"Yu Sin's character is just a little bastard, where can he go?"

"Only to the warehouse."


Lin Yujing didn't seem to react.

Luo Bixin glanced at her and smiled helplessly.

At first, like Lin Yujing, she couldn't follow Fang Ze's thinking at all.

When Fang Ze and Fang Ze worked together on the case before, the other party's ten decisions, almost seven or eight, were all inferences.

Over time, she got used to it.

Because Fang Ze never missed it.

It seems that this... Officer Lin has just met Fang Ze and has not yet adapted to the way they communicate with each other.

No wonder.

Communication between high-IQ people and ordinary people is inherently difficult.

It's like an adult talking to a kindergartener.

This metaphor is definitely not an exaggeration.

The IQ gap is overwhelming.

As Fang Ze's girlfriend, Luo Bixin has a deep understanding.

"Don't you understand?"

Fang Ze looked at Lin Yujing strangely.

"I repeat"

Lin Yujing hurriedly said: "Oh no, no, I understand, Fang team."

"I'll arrange it right away."

After speaking, Lin Yujing got up and left the hall.

He also took away Tang Hui and the mouse.


Fang Ze shouted.

The mouse who walked to the door stopped and turned back: "Fang team, is there anything else?"

Fang Ze said: "It's nothing, just a reminder."

"Every negligence you make may lead to the remaining sins getting into trouble."

"When dealing with a group of drug dealers, hardship equals death, understand?"

Hearing this, the mouse's face froze, and after a while of silence, he slowly nodded and said, "Understood!"

"Well, let's go."

The mouse turned and left the hall.

At this moment, Luo Bixin said: "The mouse seems to be a little unreliable, and I really let him participate in the special action."

Fang Ze smiled and said, "Although he is not as good as Yu Sin, he is also a vigilant person who can be trained."

"What's more, he doesn't make fun of the life of the sinners."

"It's very suitable for exchanging information with Yu Sin."

"The police force will always lack talents."

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