Li Xingchao: "The guess is very accurate, Angus, I saved him and saved his life."

This sentence made Fang Ze stunned for a moment, and then he had an ominous premonition.

Seemingly simple things, but a lot of information can be inferred.

First of all, who is the world's top killer Angus, and I don't know how many lives he has carried.

No matter which country caught him, one word: kill.

This is beyond doubt.

This is one of them.

Second, Angus was the murderer of Li Chenxuan.

In terms of emotion and reason, and even a little bigger, consider world stability.

It is impossible for Li Xingchao to let Angus survive.

And now the other side has kept Angus.

There is only one possibility: exchange.

Not an exchange of interests.

It's the exchange of information.

Angus, I'm afraid he knows some very secret things.

And this matter will endanger China's security.

As for which aspect of security, Fang Ze can't judge now.

Seeing that Fang Ze didn't speak, Li Xingchao continued: "Fang Ze, have you guessed what?"

Fang Ze was silent for a while, then said: "Did he use a very important piece of information to exchange his life?"

"And this information makes you unable to refuse."


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Xingchao was surprised again.

This time it's not fake, it's real.

"Yes, your inference is accurate."

Fang Ze: "Is the international involved?"

Li Xingchao: "Yes."

Chatting with Fang Ze, he found that he didn't need to explain too much at all.

The other party's inference habit has been imprinted in his bones.

The way of thinking is different from that of most people

Thinking of Su Hai's case, Fang Ze hesitated for a while, and said, "What's the matter?"

Li Xingchao: "There are spies in Zhongnan, and they have been lurking for a long time."

Fang Ze was not surprised, as if: as expected.

"Can't Team Leader Wang solve it?"

This kind of thing should be the work of the No. [-] special team.

Li Xingchao didn't answer this question and said, "I need to dig them out in the shortest time possible."


Fang Ze's heart moved, "How many?"

Li Xingchao: "I don't know."

Fang Ze was silent again.

He wanted to ask if Zhou Lao knew about this, but he finally gave up.

With the status of Zhou Lao and his relationship with Li Xingchao, he must know.

It is estimated that this call was made by Li Xingchao without the knowledge of Zhou Lao.

He couldn't refuse.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Can you give me a few days?"

Li Xingchao: "Of course, I will wait for your call anytime."

"By the way, for the convenience of doing things, the Criminal Investigation Bureau has added an identity to you."

"The documents will arrive tomorrow."

"it is good."

Fang Ze didn't ask any further questions.

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