Both parties hang up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Fang Ze sat there for a while, then took out a cigarette and lit it.

Li Xingchao still chose to let him go to Zhongnan even though he knew that Su Hai had a major drug case, which is very telling.

Probably not a small thing.

In other words, the espionage case and the drug case, Li Xingchao gave up the latter.

Even if drugs are flooded in Suhai, we must first solve the matter in Zhongnan.

This must be for global consideration.

At the same time, Fang Ze also admired Li Xingchao.

Regardless of personal grievances, everything is about the country.

For the sake of information, he gave up punishing the murderer of his own son.

This kind of mind is not... ordinary people can have.

If that's the case, he can't stay out of it.

As for Su Hai, ten minutes later.

Luo Bixin saw that Fang Ze had hung up the phone, and then pushed in the door.

"What's wrong"

Seeing Fang Ze in a daze, Luo Bixin was a little worried and asked.

Generally, when Fang Ze shows this kind of demeanor, there are basically major events happening.

Fang Ze came back to his senses, turned his head and said, "Refill, I need to go to Zhongnan."

"Go to Central South"

Luo Bixin was stunned for a while, and said, "What about Yangcheng?"

She didn't ask why.

You don't have to think about it to know that it must be related to the phone call from Li Xingchao.

It is impossible for Li Xingchao to call someone personally.

Regarding Luo Bixin's question, Fang Ze opened his mouth and said, "You are responsible for the remaining sins, can you?"

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 526 Before leaving [2]

"I'm in charge"

Luo Bixin just hesitated for two seconds, then nodded immediately and said, "Okay, don't worry."

As the captain of the criminal police, she has this confidence.

More importantly, to help Fang Ze.

At present, the whole Suhai is short of manpower, and Wu Fei is lying in the hospital again.

She was the only one who could make Fang Ze trust her.


Fang Ze nodded and said, "With you here, I have nothing to worry about."

Regardless of experience or ability, Luo Bixin, the criminal police captain, can be called qualified.

And the other party has grown a lot since getting to know me.

As long as there is no problem with Yu Sin, Luo Refill will naturally not go wrong.

The point is not to let other people hold you back.

Thinking of this, Fang Ze opened his mouth and said, "The refill, the mouse and Lin Yujing can be used as much as they can."

"If it doesn't work, let them get out of the line."

"Do you know what I mean?"

If he was in Yangcheng, he wouldn't be worried about trouble.

Refills are different.

Mouse is an ungraduated police academy student.

And although Lin Yujing is an experienced anti-narcotics police officer, she is a man of temperament.

To be honest, it's not suitable for special occasions.

Especially when the other party's fiancé died at the hands of the enemy.

This is a potential ticking time bomb.

I don't know when, it will become a deadly threat to Yu Sin's undercover mission.

Hearing this, Luo Bixin nodded slowly and said, "Don't worry, I know what you are worried about."

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