Inside the Provincial Office.

Fang Ze hung up the phone, looked at Luo Bixin and smiled, "This kid is quite smart."

"Under the condition of not being notified, I dug out the monitoring point of Officer Lin and the others."

Hearing this, Luo Bixin not only was not happy, but frowned and said, "It's too risky."

"What if you are found out?"

Fang Ze waved his hand and said, "Don't be so arrogant. Sometimes, you need to give young people more room to play."

"That's true."

Luo Bixin nodded, not paying attention.

"What's new? Is there a problem over there in the warehouse?"

Fang Ze lit a cigarette and said, "I don't see any problems for the time being, it's just normal purchase and shipment."

"No entrainment has been found in the cargo, as expected."

"How could such a cunning and cunning person Fu Guosheng transport drugs through the warehouse?"


Speaking of which, Fang Ze paused.

Luo Bixin said: "Just what?"

Fang Ze continued: "It's just that Yu Sin said that Jiang Tao, Fu Guosheng's subordinate, has a private office."

"No one is allowed in this office except himself."

"Judgment on the remaining guilt, there should be important documents there."

Hearing this, Luo Bixin said: "He wants to go in"

Fang Ze nodded: "Yes, he has already obtained the key template, and he needs our help next."

"I don't care about these things, you are responsible for it yourself."

Luo Bixin said: "Okay, I understand."

"you're leaving today"

Fang Ze looked at the time and said: "Tomorrow morning, I remember there is a flight in the morning."

"Then I'll help you book a flight."

Luo Bixin took out his phone.

Fang Ze did not refuse, and fell into contemplation while smoking.

If nothing else, one of the stops in South Central this time was where Angus was being held.

He needs to meet this man.

Perhaps, more can be asked.

Thinking of this, Fang Ze couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.


-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

I thought I would never see this guy again in my life.

I didn't expect that only a few days had passed and we would have to deal with each other again.

Things in the world are really unpredictable.

After thinking for a while, Fang Ze picked up the top-secret information on the table and flipped through it again.

He has seen it once.

There are only two things in the file.

The first thing is the intelligence that Angus said.

The second thing is the appointment of the Criminal Investigation Bureau.

Deputy Director.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry can be said to be the top criminal investigation agency in China.

The nature of the work is very suitable for Fang Ze.

If he works there, Fang Ze's special abilities will be brought into full play.

Perhaps Li Xingchao saw this and wanted to dig Fang Ze from Suhai to Zhongnan.

However, this is a matter of personal preference and cannot be forced.

In Fang Ze's own words, he really didn't want to go.

He thinks Yangcheng is pretty good.

"Military District, Political District, National Defense, Underground, Commercial"

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