Fang Ze recited a few words silently.

"The penetration area is really wide."

"Hey, it's another protracted battle."

He put down the documents and leaned back on the chair.

As a criminal policeman who started his career in criminal investigation, he actually didn't want to worry about these troubles in his heart.

There are so many talents in Huaxia, and he is not inferior to him.

no way.

Who let him be targeted by Li Xingchao?

I don't know if it will stop in the future.

"The flight is booked."

At this moment, Luo Bixin put down the phone and said.


Fang Ze nodded.

"I'll leave it to you here, call me anytime if you have anything."

"I'm on [-] hours a day."

The next morning.

After Fang Ze arranged everything, he took a taxi to the airport by himself.

During the period, he made a phone call to Zhou Lao.

It could be heard that Zhou Lai did not know about Fang Ze's coming to Zhongnan.

After all, he regarded Fang Ze as his junior.

If it's not necessary, I don't want to put too much burden on Fang Ze.

Facing Elder Zhou's concern, Fang Ze only said a word.

"It is my duty and duty to be there whenever the country needs it."

With the gratified laughter of Zhou Lao, the phone hung up.

The plane takes off soon.

What Fang Ze didn't know was.

Leaving Yangcheng this time, he almost lost his life

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 528 What case? 【2】

two hours later.

The plane lands.

This is not the first time Fang Ze has come to Zhongnan, and he is familiar with the road.

He did not inform Li Xingchao in advance, nor did he inform anyone.

So no one picked up.

Standing at the door of the airport hall, Fang Ze looked up at the drowsy sky outside, feeling a little irritable in his heart.

I don't know where this inexplicable irritability comes from.

"Who to call?"

Fang Ze took out his mobile phone and immediately thought of Li Ruisi.

Speaking of being a good friend in Zhongnan, he seems to only know Li Ruisi.

Standing there and thinking for a while, Fang Ze still dialed the other party's number.

The phone was connected quickly.

"Hey old man."

"what instructions"

Li Ruisi's familiar voice came over the phone.

It could be heard that he did not know that Fang Ze had left Su Hai.

Fang Ze smiled and said, "Rui Si, what are you busy with?"

Li Ruisi: "It's okay, I'm watching the project at the company."

"You don't miss me, do you?"

Fang Ze: "Yes, I missed you, so I came to Zhongnan."

Li Ruisi: ""

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