"real or fake"

"You are in South China"

"Didn't you just leave?"

It seems that a few days have passed since Fang Ze received a call to leave Zhongnan.

And there was a lot of things happening in Yangcheng.

Fang Ze finished his work so quickly: "Do I need to send you a location?"

Li Ruisi: "Where are you now?"

Fang Ze: "Airport."

Without any hesitation, Li Ruisi immediately said, "Wait for me."

After speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

There is no need to talk too much nonsense between him and Fang Ze.

outside the airport.

Fang Ze put away his phone, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There are not many friends who can come over after receiving the phone call.

After half an hour.

Li Ruisi arrived by car.

Came very fast.

"Old Fang."

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

After getting off the car, Li Ruisi walked quickly to Fang Ze.

"Why did you come to Zhongnan again?"

"what's the situation"

Fang Ze didn't answer this question, he chuckled lightly: "Why, I'm not welcome"


Li Ruisi rolled his eyes at Fang Ze and said, "No matter what.

I welcome you when you come."

This is the truth.

"That's more or less."

Facing Li Ruisi, Fang Ze joked more and said, "Can you treat me to a meal?"


Li Ruisi smiled and got into the car with Fang Ze.

"something to eat"


On the way, Li Ruisi asked while driving: "There is another case"

In my impression, Fang Ze seems to have important things every time he comes to Zhongnan.

Otherwise, the other party will not be idle and run around.

Fang Ze said: "The last thing is not over yet."

He didn't say much.


Li Ruisi nodded.

It's not that Li Xingchao shouldn't be asked about what happened last time, and he won't talk too much.

"I think you've been very busy recently."

Since Fang Ze came to Central South Public Security University, the troubles have never stopped.

until now.

Don't talk about Fang Ze, he himself feels tired for the other party.

The co-pilot, Fang Ze lit a cigarette, looked out the window and said, "A lot of things are crowded together, there is no way."

Hearing this, Li Ruisi sighed and said, "That's right, the stronger the ability, the greater the responsibility."

Fang Ze smiled and said, "I'll take it as if you're complimenting me."

After chatting for a while for two days, Li Ruisi said, "Don't talk about you, I've been having a headache recently."

Fang Ze teased, "It's right that Mr. Li is busy."

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