To be honest, she almost doubted her own ability level.

If there is no electronic file, then everything is easy to explain.

It's just "Fang team, it's impossible not to have electronic files."

"Now is the electronic information society, all units and temporary workers will enter electronic files, not to mention universities with extremely high identity requirements."

It was Wang Qiang who spoke.

After Fang Ze lit the cigarette, he glanced at Wang Qiang and said, "There are only two possibilities."

"Either there is no electronic file."

"Or Tang Yacha missed it."

"You choose one yourself."

Hearing this, Wang Qiang was startled.


He turned to look at Tang Ya with questioning in his eyes.

Aware of Wang Qiang's unhappiness, Tang Ya hurriedly said, "Captain, I definitely didn't check!"

"Two hours, two hours, and I'll be all done."

"After that, I checked it several times, and there really was no one who met the conditions."

"From key universities to colleges and vocational schools, there is no omission."

Seeing that Tang Ya was so sure, Wang Qiang frowned.

In fact, he still believed in Tang Ya in his heart.

The other party was able to join the No. [-] special task force, and it took a lot of examinations.

The business ability is absolutely passable.

And this task is very important, Tang Ya should not take it seriously.

Is it true that there is no electronic file for a college, this is a bit ridiculous.

It's like a normal citizen without an ID card.

The current situation has entered a state of inconsistency.

Every point seems to be ok, but in the end it seems to have problems.

Wang Qiang gritted his teeth, looked at Fang Ze and said, "Fang team, what do you think is going on?"

"I don't know yet."

Fang Ze

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He exhaled a puff of smoke and shook his head.

He is a man and not a god, so how can he know everything.

Even figuring it out will take time.

Seeing that even Fang Ze was at a loss, Wang Qiang felt a little anxious in his heart.

The other party is a military spy.

One day later, it is very likely to cause immeasurable losses to the country.

But it's no use worrying.

In this predicament, how to break the situation Wang Qiang looked at Fang Ze again, and found that the other party was already thinking.

Seeing this, he quickly raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

The breakthrough point can only be found by Fang Ze.

In an instant, needles could be heard in the living room.

Fang Ze's fingertips, the cigarette was burning.

He didn't smoke anymore.

The smoke slowly floated up and shrouded it above.

Time passed by minute by minute.

A cigarette has burned to the end.

Wang Qiang glanced at Fang Ze's fingers, the cigarette butt was almost burning his skin.


He wanted to say something to remind him.

"Tang Ya!"

At this moment, Fang Ze suddenly raised his head and threw away the cigarette handle.

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