"Ah squad."

Tang Ya was taken aback suddenly.

Fang Ze stared at Tang Ya and asked, "When you were investigating, did you enter the school system normally, or did you use hacking technology to forcibly enter?"

Faced with this question, Tang Ya subconsciously replied: "Forcibly enter, I don't have permission to enter normally."

Fang Ze narrowed his eyes and continued: "In this situation, is it possible that another hacker will find out?"

Tang Ya was stunned for a while, then nodded slowly, "Yes."

"If the other party's technology is similar to mine, and a top-level firewall is set up and a virtual back door is opened, when I forcefully enter, I will find it immediately."

Fang Ze's voice kept saying, "How long did it take from the time when the invasion was discovered to when you found the information?"

Tang Ya thought for a while and said, "About a minute."

Fang Ze took a light breath and said, "That is to say, within one minute, the other party can completely delete the data in a targeted manner."

Tang Ya's eyes narrowed.

Wang Qiang and the others also changed their expressions, and suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"answer my question."

Fang Ze repeated it.

Tang Ya came back to her senses and said quickly, "Yes, yes, yes, you can delete it."

Hearing this, Fang Ze turned to look at Wang Qiang.

And Wang Qiang also looked over.

Both sides look at each other.

The situation is not good.

After a while, Wang Qiang hesitated, "Is it too late?"

Fang Ze took a deep breath and shook his head slightly.

"I'm afraid it's too late."

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 538 The scene of the court trial [1]

When a master finds himself exposed, he must take action.

But it is not known exactly what the action will be.

Whether to leave directly or hide on the spot depends on the other party, whether he can...get what he wants.

At this moment, Fang Ze asked, "Leader Wang, how many people do you have?"

Wang Qiang: "What?"

Fang Ze said: "Since the computer can't find it, then use manual labor."

"Anyway, you can't sit like this."

"As far as I know, there are about [-] colleges and universities in Zhongnan. How long will it take to complete the investigation?"

Wang Qiang thought for a while and said, "Without ten days and a half months, I'm afraid it will be difficult."


Fang Ze said, "No matter what.

How long does it take to find out this person's information?"

"it is good."

Wang Qiang nodded and said, "Fang team, do you need to block all the international airports in Zhongnan?"

Fang Ze waved his hand and said, "I'm afraid not."

"According to my inference, this person should be a person with multiple identities."

"There are many foreigners who leave China from Central and South China every day. How can we judge the identity of these people?"

Hearing this, Wang Qiang frowned.

This is indeed a hassle.

If the trouble is not good, it may also lead to international disputes and cause a lot of trouble in the world.


These two words are very sensitive, if it is not necessary, it is better not to disclose it.

Now is the time of peace.

Regardless of

How fierce the confrontation is in the dark, at least on the surface, it is necessary to ensure a group of harmony.

"Then I'll make arrangements now."

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