Wang Qiang stood up and said.


Fang Ze nodded.

Afterwards, Wang Qiang left the living room.

"Go ahead and leave me alone for a while."

Fang Ze waved to Tang Ya and others.

"it is good."

"You should rest early for that team."

Soon, only Fang Ze was left in the living room.

This investigation has once again confirmed a sentence: never underestimate anyone.

Fang Ze didn't even think about it.

Such a secret investigation would actually arouse the vigilance of the other party and decisively delete all relevant information.

Although it is only inferred.

But for now, there is only one possibility.

Fang Ze lit a cigarette, and his thoughts turned sharply.

From the nature of the university, it can actually be inferred.

Since you want to steal military industry secrets, there are only a few options for universities.

The better the university, the better the chance to get in touch with the core.

However, the error tolerance rate is too low.

Espionage is free and there are many ways to accomplish the mission.

Just like the previous spy case that made the news.

It is a female spy who seduces the core national personnel with beauty, in order to achieve the purpose of stealing information.

It also penetrates slowly.

There are even direct steals, etc.

Simply varied.

Therefore, Fang Ze, it is difficult to determine what method this person chose.

It is precisely because of this uncertainty that it is impossible to infer which university the person will choose.

In theory, it's basically possible.

It can only be checked manually.

The method is a bit stupid.

But in the absence of new clues, there is no other better way.

Nothing in the night

8:[-] am the next day.

Fang Ze finished his breakfast and drank coffee alone in the living room.

It was very quiet around, Wang Qiang and the others went out to work.

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He didn't go.

One more person and one less person has little effect on the overall result.

After the cup of coffee ran out, Fang Ze got up and left Mansion No. [-].

Eight forty in the morning.

The entrance of the Central South Court.


"Hurry up!"

Tai Wei waved to Fang Ze, who was not far away, with anxiety in his voice.

Court is about to start.

An hour ago, he received a call from Fang Ze, saying that he would come to watch the trial.

He just waited early at the door of the courthouse.

For some reason, if Fang Ze was there, he would feel a lot more at ease.

Under the eyes of the other party, there shouldn't be any unjust cases. This is what Tai Wei is worried about now.

Because he, like Fang Ze, believed that Guo Peng was not the murderer in this case.

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