But that's just my personal opinion.

Case handling is all about clues and evidence.

Regardless of

Who is the real murderer, let's talk about today.


Fang Ze quickened his pace and entered the court together with Tai Wei.

The courtroom was almost full.

After all, Guo Peng is a well-known young entrepreneur in Central South, and there are still many people who pay attention to this case.

Among them is his friend: Li Ruisi.

"Old Fang, this!"

In the front row, Li Ruisi got up and waved to Fang Ze and Tai Wei.

After the three of them sat down, they chatted in a low voice.

"How is it now, is there any evidence?"

Fang Ze asked Xiang Taiwei.

Tai Wei said: "Yes, it's not hard evidence."

"But if Guo Peng pleads guilty, it is enough for a sentence."

"Only he has the conditions to kill."

Hearing this, Fang Ze nodded.

He turned his eyes to the dock.

There was a man with glasses sitting there.

In his thirties, he has a sleek, flat head.

However, not particularly energetic, but rather lethargic.

"He is Liu Shen"

Following Fang Ze's line of sight, Li Ruisi looked over.

Immediately, he nodded and said, "That's right, he is Liu Shen, a top-level lawyer in the world."

After saying this, Li Ruisi leaned into Fang Ze's ear and whispered, "It cost tens of millions."

“hmm so expensive”

Fang Ze glanced at Liu Shen in surprise.

He did not expect that there would be such a high legal fee.

Li Ruisi said: "You get what you pay for, I hope he won't let us down."

Fang Ze withdrew his gaze and waited quietly.

Soon, it's nine o'clock.

The presiding judge and the jury came in one after another.

It also includes the key suspect in this case, Guo Peng.

Fang Ze looked over.

Guo Peng is a young man in his thirties, with a handsome face and bright eyes.

Although he was accused of being a suspect, it did not make him feel much decadent, instead he could see a faint confidence.

Just between the eyebrows, with sadness and helplessness.

It seems that the inexplicable becoming a murderer made him very wronged.

At a glance, Fang Ze did not find any problems with this person.

Sadness is real.

The desperation is also real.

It is true that there was no motive for the murder.

This guy, it is estimated that he really carried a pot for others.

The scene, gradually quieted down.

The presiding judge and the clerk are checking whether the parties and participants are present.

The trial will start soon

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Chapter 539 Lawyer Liu Shen [2]

Soon, the presiding judge signaled silence in the audience and began to read out the court discipline.

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