From a few photos and a few vague clues, I can discover the truth of the car accident.

This is a very test of the forensic professional level and personal thinking ability.

Fang Ze can have both, which is enough to show its power.

No wonder the other party can be promoted so quickly.

At this moment, Fang Ze was carefully looking at Zhang Mao's body.

From head to toe, no detail was missed.

While looking at the corpse, he did not forget to compare it with the autopsy report in his hand.

This is the autopsy performed by Sun Li himself.

The other party can become the director of the forensic department of the Zhongnan Municipal Bureau, and Ze still believes in his professional ability.

Therefore, Fang Ze did not intend to do the internal inspection of the corpse, such as blood drug residues.

The focus is on the trauma of the deceased.

That is, the wound on the back of the corpse's neck.

Fang Ze looked at it for a while, put on gloves, and reached out to touch it.

From the exterior color, it has basically faded away.

Subcutaneous hemorrhage usually does not leave any traces after the absorption disappears.

This is why the shorter the time of death, the simpler the autopsy and the more detailed the report.

From a forensic point of view, the subcutaneous hemorrhage caused by a blunt instrument will turn purple-brown within three days.

It will turn green or yellow-green within six days.

About eight days: , mainly yellow.

When the interval between deaths reaches two weeks, it basically subsides.

Judging from the characteristics of the wound, the skin of the deceased is peeled off and rough, and it can be concluded that it was caused by various external forces such as setback, pressure, bump, and rubbing.

Severe contusions like the deceased are the most common blunt weapon killing methods.

Judging from the direction of the wound, it was an attack from the back, so there is no problem.

Next comes the most important point, the shape of the wound.

This is also the main basis for the judgment of trauma autopsy.

"Strip and Triangle Doping"

Fang Ze spoke to himself.

After speaking, he turned to look at Sun Li who was standing beside him, and said, "It's like a brick."

"Well, that's right."

Sun Li nodded and said, "I thought it looked like a brick at first, but Team Tai searched around the crime scene and found no trace of similar items at all."

At this time, Tai Wei also said: "Zhang Mao's villa is in the urban area, and there is no construction site nearby."

"Unless, Guo Peng will bring a brick to see Zhang Mao."

"After killing people, I don't know where to throw them."

Hearing this, Fang Ze thought about it and shook his head.

"Not too possible."

"Bricks are stones made of fired clay. Although hard, they will definitely leave dust after being hit hard."

"Are there any similar marks?"

Sun Lidao: "There are no traces on the body."

Tai Wei then said: "At the scene, there is nothing left."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "Is that a brick?"

"Furthermore, Guo Peng has been preparing for the killing for so long, and finally locked the brick?"

"A bit anticlimactic."

"It must be something else."

"Blunt weapons, the more common ones are some sticks, axes, hard woods, etc.

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, these have been tested.”

Sun Lidao: "It has been tested, and nothing has been found."

As for the determination of the murder weapon, Sun Li was also at a loss as to what the murderer used.

Must be something hard and sharp.

This is beyond doubt.

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