There are not many things that meet these two conditions, but they are all excluded one by one.

The biggest doubt in this case is here.

Fang Ze frowned and pondered for a while, but couldn't be sure for a while.

He lowered his head, stared at the wound for a while, and suddenly said, "Have you tested the damaged internal tissue of the wound?"

Hearing this, Sun Li was taken aback for a moment, and said, "That's not true."

"Generally, external fatal injuries are the detection of external tissues."

Hearing this, Fang Ze stretched out his hand and said, "Get the tools, I'll do it."

"it is good."

Sun Li nodded and turned to get the equipment.

Although I don't know why Fang Ze wanted to test the internal organization, I'm sure I'll know the reason in a while.

In forensic identification, he still thinks he is inferior to Fang Ze.

ten minutes later.

Fang Ze took out a bit of tissue from the wound and immediately took it for testing.

The time of the test depends on what Fang Ze wants to test.

In other words, a full inspection is required.

Looking at Fang Ze's busy back, Tai Wei whispered, "Old Sun, what is the team investigating?"

He's not a forensic doctor, he's too professional, and he doesn't know much.

Sun Li replied: "It should be to determine the material of the murder weapon."

"Whether it's a wooden weapon, an iron weapon or something else, after a violent impact, it usually leaves tiny impurities."

"These impurities do not belong to human tissue and are easy to distinguish."

Hearing this, Tai Wei said strangely: "Since you know, why didn't you do it before?"

Sun Li spread his hands and said, "I did it, but I didn't find anything."

"The external organization doesn't, and the internal organization shouldn't have either."

Tai Wei squinted at Sun Li and said, "If there is a real result in a while, I will try my best with you."

Sun Li shook his head helplessly.

He and Tai Wei have a very good relationship. They have been old colleagues for many years and often joke with each other.

If the result of the case is deviated due to forensic reasons, he does have to apologize to the other party.

There is no room for mistakes in murder cases.

Time passed slowly.

After half an hour.

Fang Ze picked up the test tube in his hand and shook it before putting it back.

After that, he dripped the liquid in the test tube onto the test strip on the table.

This is the moistened starch potassium iodide test paper.

Looking at the test strip that was slowly turning blue, Fang Ze raised his brows.



"Even Chlorine"

"What the hell is metalwork"

Fang Ze took off his gloves and returned to the corpse.

"Fang team, is there any result?"

Sun Li asked quickly.

Fang Ze did not answer immediately, but stared at the wound of the deceased.

triangle shaped triangle shaped sharp "um"

For a moment, Fang Ze's eyes narrowed slightly.

After a few seconds, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Guo Peng, this guy is really a slanted sword."

"No wonder you haven't been able to find the murder weapon."

Hearing this, Tai Wei couldn't wait to say, "The murder weapon is confirmed."

"what is"

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

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