Old Zhou's brows furrowed.

"Ozawa, you need to know."

"Once you go, how many chances do you think you won't be able to come back?"

Fang Ze said slowly: "Zero."

Old Zhou was stunned.

Although there is only one word, it reveals infinite confidence

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Chapter 565 Although it is far, it will be punished [2]

Inside the courtyard.

The atmosphere fell silent.

Whether it was Fang Ze or Elder Zhou, no one spoke for a while.

Around, only the slight wind and the occasional chirping of insects and birds could be heard.

I don't know how long it took, Elder Zhou's voice sounded.


"I disagree."

For a case, it is too dangerous for Fang Ze to leave Huaxia and go to China.

It's just a business trip.

Old Zhou knew exactly what he was going to do.

Once exposed and caught, it's still the best outcome.

More likely, he was shot dead on the spot.

Because he knew Fang Ze, it was impossible for the other party to be captured.

No matter how powerful Fang Ze is, he is only one person.

Under the net of heaven and earth, it is almost impossible to escape.

So for Fang Ze's safety, he would not agree.

"Old Zhou"

Fang Ze frowned slightly.

Zhou Lai raised his hand and interrupted what Fang Ze was about to say: "Okay."

"in spite of

Whatever you say, I won't let you go."

"This is the end of the matter."

Fang Ze gave a wry smile and said, "Elder Zhou, if you let me watch innocent people kill innocent people, I will get away with impunity."

"I'm afraid it's hard to let go of the poor for a lifetime."

"I know what you're worried about."

"I promise, it will come back in perfect condition."

Zhou Lao was unmoved.

As long as he is in Huaxia, he can protect Fang Ze as much as possible.

But in the country it is beyond the reach of the whip! He has no way at all.

Seeing that Zhou Lao insisted, Fang Ze said after a while, "Zhou Lao, if you really don't agree"

"I'm afraid I'm going to disobey you for the first time."

Hearing this, Zhou Lao turned his head suddenly and said, "You little bastard, what do you want to do?"

Fang Ze coughed lightly and said, "You should know my strength. It's not difficult to leave Huaxia, right?"


Old Zhou's eyes widened, staring at Fang closely.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


That's right.

If Fang Ze was determined to do something, no one could stop him.

Unless a large number of troops are used to put Fang Ze under house arrest.

But there's that...is it necessary? Old Zhou couldn't do that either.

Of course, this is his idea.

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