As for whether the use of the army can work on Fang Ze, I am afraid that only Fang Ze himself knows.

Because from beginning to end, Fang Ze never did his best.

After staring at Fang Ze for a while, Elder Zhou sighed helplessly.

"you boy"

Fang Ze said: "Please complete Old Zhou."

In this matter, he must obtain the consent of Zhou Lao.

Elder Zhou took a deep breath, thought about it for a long time, and finally had to sigh: "Okay, since you insist on doing this, but"

Speaking of this, Zhou Lao paused for a while and said, "But don't mess around."

Fang Ze said: "What do you mean?"

Zhou Laodao: "Unless it is a last resort, try not to affect others, do you understand what I mean?"

Fang Ze was silent.

Of course he understands.

The other party means that self-defense is the main thing.

This matter does not need to be said by Zhou Lao, he has his own principles.

Will not kill innocent people.

"Ok, I know."

Fang Ze nodded.

Zhou Lao continued: "Of course, if your life is threatened, you can do anything."

"As long as you can return to this land, I promise that no one can take you away."

These words made Fang Ze feel a lot more at ease.

"Thank you, Elder Zhou."

Speaking of this, Elder Zhou slowly closed his eyes and waved at Fang Ze.

Seeing this, Fang Ze got up and left the courtyard lightly.

After closing the door, Fang Ze turned around.

At this moment, his eyes became: sharpened.

It is his duty to bring suspects to justice.

Regardless of

This person is in China, or in any corner of the earth.

That's four lives! Although it's far, it will be executed

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 566 Ready to leave [1]

Ten minutes later, Fang Ze returned to the car.

"So fast"

Li Ruisi started the car and said.

Fang Ze said: "It's just a small matter."

"Come on, take me back to the city bureau."

Li Ruisi nodded: "Okay."

After he finished speaking, he turned around in his car and left Zhengyang Mountain quickly.

after an hour.

Li Ruisi parked the car at the entrance of the city bureau.

Fang Ze opened the car door and said, "Rui Si, it's hard work, you should go back first."

"I have a case to deal with recently and may be very busy."

"If you can't get in touch, it's normal, don't worry."

"No matter who asks me, just say so."

Hearing this, Li Ruisi was surprised: "Ah, you're not going to travel far, are you?"

With Fang Ze's character, no matter what

I will keep the phone on for [-] hours at any time, how could I not be able to contact Fang Zedao: "Don't ask for now, talk about it later."

After speaking, he closed the car door and trotted all the way into the city bureau.

Seeing the back of Fang Ze leaving, Li Ruisi scratched his head.

Although it was a little strange, I didn't think much of it.

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