"Besides, this is what he wants to do."


Zhao Yuling raised his finger and pointed at Chen Zitao, "Why do you always let him perform such a dangerous task?"

Chen Zitao spread his hands and said helplessly, "It has nothing to do with me."

"Besides, this is not a task, it was requested by him."

"Old Zhou originally refused, and I don't know what this guy said, but he finally agreed."

Zhao Yuling's brows furrowed deeply.

After a while, she suddenly reacted and said, "That's not right."

"Shouldn't the criminal case be handled by the police? Why is he a soldier?"

Chen Zitao raised his brows and said, "The response is not slow."

"Fang Hua has multiple identities. As long as you promise not to meet him again in the future, I will tell you."

The purpose of his visit today is very simple.

It is to keep Zhao Yuling away from Fang Hua.

After a thorough investigation of Fang Hua, Chen Zitao has characterized him as a dangerous person.

An ordinary police officer with no background can actually become a department-level police officer and a general-level officer within a few years. This is indeed a very terrifying thing.

This not only requires the right place and the right place, but also requires a strong ability of its own.

For Huaxia, this is a good thing.

But for Zhao Yuling, not necessarily.

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 568 Ny City [2]

The words are divided into two parts.

When Chen Zitao was communicating with Zhao Yuling because of Fang Ze's matter, Fang Ze had been in China for two days.

City, the capital of the country, Fang Ze did nothing during these two days.

He needs a day or two to adjust to the country.

Now Fang Ze is facing a very serious problem.

That is intelligence.

Although Jayden is very likely to be there, but the city is so big, it is hard to imagine how difficult it is to find someone here in a short period of time.

Especially the particularity of this person's identity, it is impossible to find it by ordinary methods.

In this case, the sword must go sideways.

There is no way to check, this is not Huaxia after all.

Fang Ze could only ask.

Well, if you ask who the Police State Bureau of Investigation is, Fang Ze might as well commit suicide directly.

There is only one way: prison.

It's also a prison for serious offenders.

The system of China is the same.

The country is diverse and has a high crime rate.

And the best among these criminals often have hands and eyes, black and white.

If you can see one, asking in person is the easiest and quickest way.

The premise is that the other party is willing to say.

On this point, Fang Ze naturally had a way to get the other party to speak.

Then the first step of the plan is coming, how to get into prison. At this time, in a certain street in the city, a white policeman is pressing Fang Ze on the police car and searching for him.

Five minutes ago, Fang Ze was driving a dilapidated second-hand car and almost knocked the policeman flying.

After that, it was soon forced to stop.

Only now is this scene.



Fang Ze turned his head and shouted in English.

A strong smell of alcohol came to me.

The policeman frowned and said coldly, "Boy, don't you know that drunk driving is a serious threat to public safety in China?"

"If I hadn't hid quickly, I would have been killed by you long ago!"

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