"be honest!"

While speaking, he increased his strength and pressed Fang Ze firmly against the window glass.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!"

"do not move!"

The police searched for a long time, but after finding no contraband, they asked, "Which country are you from?"

Fang Ze was drunk and confused, and said inarticulately: "Huaxia! How come!"


The policeman raised his eyebrows and nodded, "Okay, let me in!"

As he spoke, he opened the car door and shoved Fang Ze directly in.

After Fang Ze resisted for a long time to no avail, he simply sat in the back and fell asleep.

Soon, the police car quickly left the street

Half an hour later, the police station.

interrogation room.

Fang Ze was chained to a chair, opposite two policemen.

One of them has three mountain-shaped stripes on his shoulders.


Fang Ze glanced at it and retracted his gaze.

These police officers belong to the national security police, and it is normal for a superintendent to come forward in the face of the illegal behavior of foreigners.


"Fang Ze."



"Country of Citizenship!"


After asking a few questions, the superintendent picked up Fang Ze's passport.

There is no problem with the procedures, it is not illegal immigration.

"What are you doing here in China? Fang Ze's eyes widened: "What do you care about me?"

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

"Hurry up and let me go! I still have something to do!"


The superintendent slapped the table and said angrily, "Be honest with me!"

"You are suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and want to leave!"

"Speak! What are you doing in the country?

! "

Fang Ze stared at each other without saying a word.

Seeing this, the superintendent got up, walked over with a baton, pointed at Fang Ze and said, "I'll ask again, what are you doing here?"

Fang Ze squinted at him and said, "Don't point this thing at me, it's annoying."

Hearing this, the superintendent narrowed his eyes and pushed his right hand forward, the baton was about to poke Fang Ze's temple.

At this moment, the handcuffs that had been holding Fang Ze suddenly opened! He stood up abruptly, took away the baton like lightning, and smashed it on the opponent's head.

Bang! The superintendent groaned and stumbled almost to the ground.

"Didn't I tell you, don't point this thing at me!"

On the other side, the policeman who had been standing there was stunned for a moment, then quickly took out a pistol from his waist.

"do not move!"

"Hold your head and squat down!!"

Fang Ze turned his head and quietly watched the dark muzzle aimed at him.

The superintendent struggled to get up, his angry eyes shot straight at Fang Ze.

"You dare to attack the police!"

Fang Ze sneered: "How come you hit me?"

Hearing this, the anger on the superintendent's face became even more intense. He took out his pistol, pointed at Fang Ze and shouted, "Squat down!!"

"Squat down and crouch down."

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