Fang Ze didn't resist this time, and honestly bent down.

Looks like a street gangster.

The superintendent did not take care of Fang Ze first, but stepped forward to check the handcuffs that had been opened.

The handcuffs were not damaged and were opened normally.

"How did you open it!"

The police officer asked angrily.

Fang Ze raised his head: "Your handcuffs are of poor quality, blame me"


The superintendent took a deep breath, "Fang Ze, are you packing up and going to jail!"


Fang Ze said with a sneer: "Okay, if you have the ability, you can take me to Siaburg Prison, or you will be my grandson!"

Hear "Siaburg"

These three words, the police inspector's face froze.

But soon his face darkened, and he said coldly: "You think I can't send it in"

"Since you are courting death yourself, don't blame me!"

Originally, Fang Ze was only drinking and driving, and it was impossible for him to go to Siaburg.

But the other party's stick, coupled with his arrogant attitude, had completely angered him.

"stand up!"

"Take him away!"

Hearing the order, the police next to him pulled Fang Ze up and escorted him out of the interrogation room.

On the spot, the superintendent rubbed his hot head, getting more and more angry.

However, when he thought that the other party was about to be imprisoned in Siaburg Prison, his mood was a little better.

Once you enter that place, you will have to peel off a layer of skin even if you don't die! Especially for a young man with fine skin and tender meat like Fang Ze, it's even worse.

Otherwise, he would have beaten the other party a while ago and said that.


"This is what you asked for yourself, don't blame me if you die!"

"It's not wrong to assault a police officer at the police station and send you to Siaburg!"

He didn't think about why Fang Ze, an ordinary foreigner, knew about Si Yabao.

Although the secrecy of that place is not high, it is not something that just one person can know.

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Chapter 569 This bed is mine [1]

two days later.

This is a prison located in the east of the country, called Si Yabao.

Unlike other prisons, Siaburg is located in a very remote location, which can be said to be surrounded by the sea on three sides.

Exit: There is only one, and that is the heavily guarded front door at all times.

The main gate wall is nearly one meter thick.

All around are grids.

If you want to leave here, there is basically no other possibility other than being released after serving your sentence.

There is only one reason why this prison is so strict.

That is, the criminals detained there, without exception, are extremely dangerous elements.

People sentenced to life imprisonment are very common here.

Although the country still has the death penalty, it is rarely used.

For nearly half a century, there have been few records of the death penalty in each state.

So life imprisonment is already a very serious sentence.

One can imagine how dangerous the criminals in this prison are.

Today, there were some ripples in the originally peaceful Siaburg Prison.

A new prisoner has arrived.

And this prisoner is still a young Chinese.

Examination room.

"Fang Ze"

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