Fang Ze said: "Karen, if I want to find someone among the Chinese agents, who can help me?"


Karen's eyes narrowed slightly, and she said in surprise: "The Jayden you said is an agent"

"The CIA or the Bureau of Investigation"

Fang Ze shook his head: "I don't know."

"I only have my name and looks."

"Can anyone find out in this prison?"


After hearing this, Karen hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, "There is one person who should be able to, but"

Fang Ze said: "But what?"

Karen said helplessly: "But this guy is too powerful, I'm afraid he won't help easily."

Fang Ze raised his brows and chuckled, "How big is it?"

Karen said: "Almost half of the people in the entire prison are his staff, and"

"And even the prison guards didn't dare to provoke him."


Hearing this, Fang Ze was surprised.

This is a bit exaggerated.

"What identity"

he asked.

Karen first glanced back at the door before whispering, "Second-in-command of the Blood Gang."

"Blood Gang"

Fang Ze frowned.

This he knows.

A gang active in Guoshanji.

In terms of strength, it can be called one of the largest gangsters in the country.

Even in the world, it can also be ranked among the top ten gangsters.

Criminal activities include murder, drug smuggling, robbery, extortion, etc.

Acting very wildly.

Even the local police did not dare to press too hard for fear of causing unrest.

Unexpectedly, the second-in-command of such a big gang was actually locked here.

For Fang Ze, this is good news.

People like him who are black and white often have very well-informed information channels.

It shouldn't be difficult to find someone.

"What is your name"

Fang Ze continued to ask.

Karen said: "Ax."

"it is good."

Fang Ze nodded, "Show me when the wind blows tomorrow."

Hearing this, Karen's face changed, and she said, "Sir, what do you think?"

Fang Ze said in a low voice, "Don't ask so many questions, just do it, you don't need to worry about the rest."

Seeing this, Karen had to agree: "Well then."

He was a little dazed.

At that time, if the other party refuses to help, and the attitude is very bad, with Fang Ze's temper, the two sides will not directly start a small fight in the cell.

Once there is a firefight in the playground, the movement is not small.

You must know that before the arrival of Ax, there will be gang fights almost every once in a while.

Dead people are normal.

Since Axe came, the family is the only one, and there has been no fighting for a long time.

Could it be that this peace is about to be broken? But there is only one person on Fang Ze's side.

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Chapter 571 Direct hands [1]

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