The night was silent and peaceful.

The next day, when the first rays of sunlight fell on the prison playground, the door of the cell was suddenly opened.

"Let the wind blow!"

After a police officer shouted, he walked away quickly.

The sound of door openings could be heard faintly in the distance.

It's time to let out the wind.

It is unbearable to stay in a dark cell every day.

Going out to breathe in the sun is also to ensure the health of the prisoners.

On the other hand, prolonged autism can easily lead to psychological breakdown, and cases of suicide are not uncommon.

This is the norm in prisons dominated by incarceration.

However, if the prison is mainly based on labor reform, there is no such thing as letting go.

"Fang, let's go."

Karen stood up.

The boring day-to-day life in prison is a rare sense of expectation at this time of day.


Fang Ze nodded, got up and left the cell with the three of them.

The playground of Siabor Prison is still very large, and the space for activities is very free.

In principle, you can go anywhere as long as you don't violate the rules.

But this is only theoretical.

Unwitting newcomers, the price of running around, is often very high.

This prison is a small society, and if there is a society, there will be power.

Where there is power, there is a fixed territory.

Those comfortable open spaces have long been occupied.

Rushing past will only lead to conflict.

After holding back for a long time, many people are eager to fight to loose their muscles and bones.

Therefore, some people with very weak strength will choose to sit in the corner honestly and not cause those troubles.

At this moment, beside the trash can in the northwest corner of the playground, Fang Ze was leaning on an iron shelf, staring at the scattered crowd ahead.

The location is not good, there is no direct sunlight at all.

But Karen and the others obviously have no plans to leave, and it seems that they have not joined a certain force.

You can only stay at the bottom honestly.

That's not bad either.

Although the quality of life is low, at least safety is guaranteed.

As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke them, the prison tyrants in the prison will naturally not be idle to trouble them.

Fang Ze lit the cigarette with a match, smoked it for a while, and said, "That guy... who smokes is Ax."

Hearing this, Karen and the others followed Fang Ze's line of sight.

In the empty activity area in the distance, a large group of people gathered there, talking and laughing.

Among them, a white man with curly hair was sitting on the stone platform, smoking a cigarette calmly.

This is the biggest force on the playground, at least [-] or [-] people.

And the rest of the gang, at most no more than ten 10.

Karen glanced at it, nodded and said, "Yes, he is Ax."

After confirming his identity, Fang Ze did not speak again.

After half a sound, he finished smoking the cigarette and threw it on the ground to stamp it out.

Afterwards, Fang Ze stepped towards Axe.


Karen shouted from behind.

But seeing that Fang Ze had no intention of looking back, he gave up.

"Hey, it's going to be a fight in a while."

Karen reluctantly spoke.

Beside him, Kayden also said: "It's almost impossible to get Ax to help, unless there is an interest in his heart."

As soon as these words came out, Karen and Andrew nodded in agreement.

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