"Have fun, can you find it"

Hearing this, Axe gave Fang Ze a meaningful look and said, "If I can find it, what can you give me?"

Fang Ze smiled slightly and said slowly, "After finding it, I will take you out of here."


Ax's face immediately froze

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Chapter 573 Happy cooperation [1]

Fang Ze's words obviously had a big impact on Ax.

He was no longer calm.

After glancing vaguely around, Axe whispered: "You want to escape from prison"

Fang Ze chuckled: "Of course."

"I don't want to spend years in this fucking place."

"Why don't you want to go"

This sentence made Axe stunned for a moment, and then he said solemnly: "Are you kidding me?

Fang Ze smiled: "That's why you don't believe me"

Axe took a breath and said, "Do you know where this is?"

Fang Ze nodded and said lightly, "Siaburg Prison, the most heavily guarded prison in the country."

"Since its establishment, there has never been a successful case of a prisoner escaping from a prison."

Hearing this, Axe frowned and said, "Then you are still so confident"

Fang Ze said: "Yes."

His words were very succinct, only two words were said.

There is no need to explain too much to such a person.

It's useless to say more.

Akers was silent for a while.

Perhaps because of his desire for freedom, he asked, "How long will it take?"

Fang Ze said: "The day after you found the news I want."

Axe glanced at Fang Ze and continued to ask, "How sure are you?"

Fang Ze said: "[-]%."

Akers narrowed his eyes.

"hundred percent%"

"You are crazy!"

Unarmed, secretly leaving the iron-clad, iron-clad Siaburg Prison, which is guarded [-] hours a day, and taking a person, Ax, was very skeptical.

This is almost impossible.

Unless you can grow wings and fly out.

Fang Ze smiled and said, "That's my business."

"If I say this, believe it or not."

"If you can't help me, then I'll leave tonight."

Between the words, this prison was not taken seriously at all.

It seems to be able to come and go freely.

Akers frowned again.

Thinking of Fang Ze's strength just now, he knew that the other party was definitely not an ordinary person.

There might even be two brushes.

Enough of the boring life in prison, and now he has such an opportunity, he doesn't want to miss it.

After pondering for a while, Axel said: "Okay, deal, I'll help you."

Fang Ze was not surprised by Ax's decision and said, "How long?"

Ax said: "After three days, I will transfer you to my cell and I will tell you the answer.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


"Before that, I need a portrait of that person."

Fang Ze said: "Okay, you can find someone to pick it up tonight."

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