
Akers nodded.

This little thing is very simple for him.

“Pleasant to work with.”

“Pleasant to work with.”

After the two shook hands, Fang Ze turned and left.

This situation left everyone at a loss.

After killing so many of Ax's subordinates, in the end they chatted for a few words and it was over. No one knew what the two of them were talking about.

There seems to be some kind of consensus.

It was strange, but I didn't dare to ask.

Needless to say who Ax is, he just wanted to beat him up.

And that young man who singled out fifty people was obviously more difficult to provoke than Axe.

It's better to just watch the fun from the sidelines.

The fight ended quickly, and no prison guards came to stop it.

After the incident, no prison guards came to ask questions.

It was as if nothing had happened.

This is Szaborg Prison.

Another form of freedom brings about the absence of rules.

For Fang Ze, this is a good thing.

For ordinary people, it is a nightmare.

Fang Ze himself also clearly felt this.

"in spite of

Where is it, you really need to know the law and obey the law.”

This is how Fang Ze feels today

That night, Fang Ze sent the portrait out.

What he didn't expect was that the person who came to pick up the painting was actually a prison guard.

This also shows from the side that Ax is still very powerful.

This is true of the black, and the same is true of the white.

Perhaps, the other party can really find out about Jayden.

If the result disappoints Fang Ze, then there is no way.

You can only leave here immediately, and start the second set of plans after going out.

Before coming, Fang Ze had already thought about every possibility and various options.

But for each scheme, the premise must have strong strength as a guarantee.

Otherwise, it is the end of death without a place to be buried.

"Fang, he promised to help"

Inside the cell, Karen couldn't help being curious and asked.

Fang Ze leaned against the wall, closed his eyes, and said in a low voice, "You asked a lot."

Seeing that the other party didn't want to talk, Karen smiled embarrassingly, apologized, and returned to her bed.

night, be silent

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 574 After dark, we leave 【1】

Time flies, and three days have passed.

During these three days, Fang Ze only did one thing, and that was to wait.

Waiting for news from Akers.

As for the outcome, Fang Ze has no basis for making judgments.

Today is the last day of Akers' promise.

If there is no news at 0000:[-], Fang Ze will choose to leave here.

He doesn't need to prepare.

Because he was fully prepared before entering this prison

After lunch, Fang Ze returned to the cell.

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