As long as the two of them disappear in the room, even if there is any suspicious movement, the monitoring room will find out immediately.

You must know the monitoring in the prison, but the whole process is monitored [-] hours a day, and there is almost no dead angle in [-] degrees.

There's only one place where it doesn't.

That is the toilet.

Only the toilet is a small place of several square meters, separated by frosted glass, and there is no surveillance.

Of course, it's not completely monitoring the blind spot.

The height of the frosted glass is about [-] centimeters. When people are standing, they can see above the waist.

Even if you are squatting, you can probably see your head.

To sum it up in one sentence: No prison, including Huaxia, will allow prisoners the opportunity to completely escape from surveillance.

Not to mention that this is still the extremely strict Siabor prison.

This is exactly what Akers worries and doubts.

But seeing that Fang Ze was no longer going to explain, he simply didn't ask.

Since the other party boasted about Haikou, he must have a certain confidence.

It looks fine.

Five minutes later, Fang Ze had everything ready.

At this moment, he turned to look at Ax and said, "I said man, don't you think the toilet glass is a little dirty?"


The sudden sentence made Axe a little confused.

What does this mean? Fang Ze continued: "I think you should wipe it."

While speaking, Fang Ze pointed to the top of the frosted glass.

For toilets, that is the only field of vision for surveillance.

"I'm not sick if you let me clean the glass."

Axe was about to scold, but suddenly froze.

The next moment, he gave Fang Ze a meaningful look and said with a smile, "You're right, the glass in the toilet is indeed a bit dirty."

"Then I'll go wipe it."

After speaking, he got up to find the rag and went into the toilet.

The sanitation of the prison cell must be cleaned every day.

This is the rule of the prison.

If you refuse to execute it, you will be punished very badly. This is not called lynching.

This is called reality.

The moment you go to jail, human rights are slowly disappearing.

This is also a disguised punishment.

Illegal crime, there is no good end

Axe cleaned the glass.

And wipe it very carefully.

No one would doubt this move.

Although Akers had never worked by himself in prison, he had a relationship with Fang Ze three days ago.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

In the face of conflict, fifty people are not opponents.

In the face of more powerful inmates, it is normal for Axel to be soft.

Those prison guards don't think too much.

On the other side, Fang Ze waited for a while, picked up the things he had prepared, and went to the toilet with him.

Toilet space is small.

From the monitoring point of view, Ax's busy figure just blocked Fang Ze.

This is the only way to avoid surveillance and not be immediately suspected.

But the time is short.

Fang Ze estimated that it would not exceed twenty seconds at most.


The moment he stood in the blind spot of the surveillance vision, Fang Ze moved quickly.

He will prepare herbicide and "toothpaste"

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