, quickly poured over the iron net.

The two were mixed, and the sound of Chi Chi was immediately.

Sounded! And, there was white smoke.

Fortunately, most of the white smoke drifted out of the window and did not attract attention.

This is a very simple step.

After finishing, Fang Ze threw the remaining garbage into the sewer.

Then he turned around and left the toilet.

It took fifteen seconds before and after.

When an adult goes to the toilet, it is almost the same time.

"Is it done so fast"

Axe asked quietly.

Fang Ze didn't speak, just made a vague gesture.

Seeing this, Axe nodded slightly.

Ten minutes later, Ax, who was done with his work, returned to the table.

At this moment, Fang Ze said in a low voice, "Listen, we will be racing against time later."

"You're right, as soon as we disappear into the cell, the guards will find out and know that we intend to escape."

"What they will do after that, of course, is to send someone to arrest him immediately."

"How long do you think it will take from the moment they find out until they get here"

Speaking of key issues, Akers looked a little more serious.

He pondered for a while and said, "It will take at least a minute."


Fang Ze nodded and said, "It will be fixed in one minute."

"That is, when we leave this cell, if we stay somewhere for an extra minute, the police will arrive."

Even though he knew this was a fact, being told so directly by Fang Ze still made Axe feel tight in his heart.

One minute they have to use one minute to leave this prison to know that outside the cell is a closed warehouse.

Outside the warehouse is a solid wall! Even if they are given enough time, it is difficult to leave.

One minute, isn't that nonsense? Read the underlined version of the novel, please download

Chapter 577 Chemical Factory Warehouse [2]

Thinking of this, Akers rarely became nervous.

He said solemnly: "Fang, you are sure"

Fang Ze said: "Fifty percent use your brain, and [-] percent rely on luck."

"By luck!"

Ax's face changed slightly, and he said solemnly: "Don't play with me!"

"This is no joke!"

Once the jailbreak is caught, it's not a trivial matter.

Even if he has a great relationship, there will inevitably be big troubles.

Fang Ze raised his eyelids and said lightly, "If you're afraid, I'll go by myself, so what?"


Seeing that Fang Ze directly blocked his words, Axe struggled for a while, and finally gritted his teeth: "Okay! I'll listen to you!"

Seeing this, Fang Ze stopped talking and began to close his eyes to rest.

Time passed slowly.

Twenty minutes later.

It's less than half an hour before dinner time.

At this moment, Fang Ze opened his eyes.

"Are you ready?"

Ax has been waiting for Fang Ze's words, he heard the words and nodded: "Ready."

"Well, let's go."

Saying that, Fang Ze got up and went to the toilet with a rag.

Akers followed.

The actions of the two immediately attracted the attention of the monitoring room.

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