In just [-] minutes, this was the second time they had gathered in the toilet at the same time.

It is normal for the guards to be suspicious.

inside the toilet.

Akers looked at the iron net in front of him.

The iron net is still bubbling, which means that the strong acid is corroding.

But corrosion does not mean fracture.

Before waiting for him to ask, Fang Ze directly wrapped his hands with a rag and stepped forward to grab the iron net.

The next moment, under Ax's wide-eyed gaze, Fang Ze stretched his arms and began to pull on the iron net.

His movements were so great that he even stepped back.

Click! The sound of the wire breaking sounded.

But not all, just one.


Akers was immediately stunned.

Just break such a thick wire with your bare hands

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It's already corroded iron wire, it can't be so easy, what kind of strength! Is this guy a monster? Fang Ze didn't know Ax's shock at this time, accompanied by "Kaka"

With a sound, more and more wires were broken.

Five seconds later! The whole iron net was pulled down by Fang Ze.

Window, open.

"You go first, hurry up!"

Fang Ze turned his head and drank lightly.

He knew that the current monitoring room was definitely frying.

Axe came back to his senses, jumped forward without hesitation, grabbed the window with both hands, and drilled out with all his strength.

Fang Ze followed closely.

At this moment, there is no one in this cell.

At the same time, sirens blared throughout the prison.


"Ax is going to escape! And that... the Huaxia boy who just came in!"

"Assemble to chase, block the gate!!"

Under the surveillance, Fang Ze and Ax's actions were invisible and clearly seen.

The atmosphere became: unprecedentedly tense! Just when the prison guards, who were armed with live ammunition, were coming at full speed.

At this moment, Fang Ze and Ax are also running wild in a dark warehouse! Time is very precious! They have no intention to appreciate the strange equipment around them.

"What a mess!"

"How can there be such a warehouse in Siabor Prison?"

While running, Ax couldn't help but speak.

Although he knew this was a warehouse, he didn't know what was in it.

Now that he's in, he's a little confused.

Fang Ze stared at the road ahead and said casually, "Chemical factory warehouse."

"Chemical Plant"

Akers was stunned.

"You mean this prison, used to be a chemical factory"

"How did you know"

Fang Ze spit out three words: "One minute."

Hearing this, Ax's face froze.

I couldn't even stop myself from looking back.

He knew that the pursuers were coming soon.

But how did they leave this warehouse that was sealed off in all directions? Fei Lu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 578 Race against time [1]

The run continues.

Perhaps for the convenience of management, many non-load-bearing walls were smashed open, making this warehouse feel large.

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