"what's the situation"

He had no idea how Fang Ze did it.

Fang Ze threw away the hard object in his hand, picked up a sharp iron rod, and turned his head: "Chemistry is just a little brittle, let's go!"

As he spoke, Fang Ze took the lead to get out.

Ax did not dare to neglect, and followed closely behind.

He also felt a biting cold as he passed the window.

Coolant Axe glanced back, didn't stop, and caught up with Fang Ze's footsteps.

Fang Ze surprised him again.

His intuition told him that he might be able to leave Siaburg Prison safely this time.

After a few seconds, the police arrived.

The leader looked at the messy windows, his face suddenly gloomy.

He didn't have time to think about what was going on, so he led people to pursue it.

From leaving the cell to leaving the warehouse, the opponent will become impossible twice in a row and become possible.

This makes everyone feel that this time I am afraid that they have encountered a master.

Prison escape master.

Don't worry, you must have prepared in advance.

From the very beginning, the jailbreak has been prepared.

Could it be that this idea popped into the minds of everyone who came to save Ax.

Once Axe escapes successfully, Nassiaborg Prison will become a national joke.

"Come on! Never let them go!"

Team leader picks up speed

At this moment, after Fang Ze and Axe went around the narrow aisle, they finally stood in front of a wall.

According to the space map in his mind, Fang Ze determined that the other side of the wall was the sea.

As long as you climb over this wall, you can leave Siabor Prison.

The premise is that your water must be very good.

"Fang! There is monitoring!"

After Axe looked up, his face changed.

This thing is really ubiquitous, and there is almost no blind spot! Cameras are installed in such remote corners. "How can it be impossible to climb up!"

Akers became anxious again.

The wall in front of me was at least ten meters, and it was still smooth.

It's impossible to get over it unless you put your wings on it.

The chasing troops are coming soon! Keng! As soon as Axe's voice fell, Fang Ze picked up the iron rod in his hand and started to chisel it against the wall.

Of course he knew it was impossible to climb over

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Chapter 579 Wanted in the whole city [2]

"Fang, what are you doing?"

"You're not going to chisel it through, are you?"

"What a joke!"

Seeing Fang Ze's actions, Ax, who was beside him, spoke in surprise.

No wonder he thought so.

Fang Ze's current behavior clearly means this.

With an iron rod, how long does it take to cut through the wall! Stepping back, even if you cut a small hole, what's the use? They are two big living people.

Fang Ze said while digging into the wall, "If I were you, I wouldn't be so nonsense if I wasn't smart enough."

"I you"

Axe held back for a long time, not knowing how to answer.

That's right.

Fang Ze is not a fool, how could he really use an iron rod to cut through the wall.

Being able to bring him here from the cell is enough to demonstrate the opponent's ability.

It's just that what is he doing now? Keng! Keng! Fang Ze is still digging the wall.

At this time, more than ten seconds have passed since they arrived here.

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