If there is no accident, the pursuers will arrive soon.

When the time comes to face the heavily armed police, they'll be doomed! For the first time in Axe's life, one second and two seconds feel that time is so hard.

It's no longer a day by day.

Rather, seconds are like years.

Finally, Fang Ze stopped cutting the wall.

He dropped the iron rod in his hand.

Akers looked intently.

On the wall, a deep hole has appeared, almost three fingers wide.

He wanted to open his mouth to ask, but thinking of the other party's ridicule just now, he held it back.

"If you can't escape today, I'll pull you back when I die!"

Akers thought so.

He didn't know Fang Ze's true strength.

In fact, if he wasn't worried that the disturbance would be too big and affect his next actions, Fang Ze would have the strength to break out of this prison single-handedly.

He wouldn't do it unless he had to.

There are still risks.

At this moment, Fang Ze took out his cigarette case under Ax's gaze.

"There's still the mind to smoke!"

Akers cursed in his heart.

He could even hear hurried footsteps in the distance! On the other hand, Fang Ze didn't panic.

He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case in a hurry and broke it in the middle.


Axe glanced at it and was stunned for a moment.

It's not shredded tobacco! "Go find some sawdust, hurry up!"

Fang Ze said.

How dare Axe refuse, he turned around and went to look for it.

The next moment, Fang Ze poured the substance in the cigarette into the small hole he had dug out.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

Soon, Ax returned and handed Fang Ze a small piece of sawdust.

Fang Ze took it and stuffed the sawdust into it as well.

Then he took out a match.

Right now.

"People are there!"

"Stop! Squat on the spot and don't move!!"

In the distance, angry shouts rang out.

The police are here! Ax's face changed drastically at this moment.

Fang Ze didn't look back, but struck a match and put it into the small hole in the wall.

With the sound of chi chi, a large amount of white smoke came out.

"Get down!"

Fang Ze instantly grabbed Ax's shoulder and pressed his head to the ground.

Axe was a little confused, but didn't resist.

Two seconds later, bang! A loud noise was deafening, and a large amount of dust and gravel fell on Fang Ze and Ax.

In an instant, Fang Ze got up quickly.

At this time, the wall that had only been cut with a small hole, exploded a big hole! Just enough to accommodate one person in and out.

"Come on!"

Fang Ze shouted loudly, and jumped out of the fence.

Akers followed in a hurry.

Such a violent explosion, how did the other party do it! What a wicked door! Bang! Bang! Bang! The gunshots sounded in the next second! As long as they are a few seconds late, they will definitely be beaten into a sieve! There is no danger.

A dozen policemen swarmed.

Beyond the wall, there are cliffs.

Fang Ze ran fast, and before the gun muzzle behind him was aimed at him, he opened his arms and jumped down without hesitation.

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