"Infiltrating the CIA"

"What is he trying to do"




The countdown continues.

As more and more numbers were spewed out of Fang Ze's mouth, the murderous aura in his eyes became heavier and heavier.

If Ryan refuses to cooperate, he will really do it.

Not ready to be a good person in this place.


Seeing Fang Ze's eyes getting colder, Ryan glanced at the sharp blade in the opponent's hand and couldn't help swallowing.

Immediately, he quickly said: "Okay, I'll say it!"

Leave it alone

What kind of trouble can the other side make in the CIA.

I don't care if I will be checked in the future.

At this moment, it is a real life crisis.

Let's save your life first.

Seeing this, Fang Ze said lightly, "I'm listening."

Ryan pondered for a while, and then explained his work in the logistics department in full.

He didn't lie.

There's no point in making things up like this.

After listening, Fang Ze stepped forward, fumbled on Ryan for a while, and found his mobile phone.

"How much is the password"

"There are a few people I know well"

"Are there any photos?"

"who is this"

"what about this"

Soon, half an hour passed.

Fang Ze put away Lane's cell phone.

Until now, he had a clear understanding in his mind.

Easy camouflage is Fang Ze's strength.

As long as you get the necessary information, you can enter the CIA without risk.

Finally, Fang Ze took out a bunch of keys from Ryan's pocket.

"Which is the office"

"Very well, you can survive."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Ze hit Ryan on the neck with a knife.

Ryan groaned and reclined on the sofa.

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Looking at Ryan, who had fallen into a coma, Fang Ze took out a bottle of medicine.

Fang Ze is a professional in forensic science.

He can precisely control the amount of drugs and keep Ryan's coma time within a specific range.

Although killing is a once and for all solution, he is not prepared to do it.

The injustice has the head and the debt has the owner.

Fang Ze will not indiscriminately kill innocents unless it is a last resort.

Quiet night, just like that

The next morning.

Inside the bathroom.

Fang Ze looked at himself in the mirror and showed a smile.

At this moment, the face in the mirror has turned into Ryan, with almost no flaws.

Unless someone who is very close deliberately observes it closely, no one will find out, "Lane"

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