It has been replaced.

He tidied up his clothes, then turned and left the bathroom.

Ryan was still lying on the sofa, breathing evenly.

Obviously, he has fallen into a deep coma.

At least two days.

In two days, no one died.

After making all preparations, Fang Ze opened the door and left, drove to the CIA.

There is still half an hour, which is normal working hours.

According to Lane, no shipments reached the CIA today.

So Fang Ze's time will be very free.

He can do many things.

Fifteen minutes later, Fang Ze drove to the underground parking lot of the CIA.

The security work here is also very good.

If it wasn't for Ryan's car and identity, he would never have gotten in.

It was working hours, and there were more and more vehicles around.

Fang Ze parked the car in the parking space, hesitated a little, opened the door and got off.

He didn't stop and walked straight to the elevator.

Fortunately, only one woman was waiting for the elevator.

Hearing the footsteps, the woman looked back at Ryan, smiled and nodded.

I don't know if she knew Ryan or not.

However, Fang Ze didn't have an impression in his mind, so he probably didn't know him.

Or, met a few times but didn't meet.

The same unit is normal.

Soon, the elevator came.

The two walked in.

"Go to a few floors"

woman, spoke up.

Fang Ze said politely: "First floor, thank you."

"You're welcome."

The woman, pressing the button on the first floor, lights up the fifth floor again.

The elevator goes up and the first floor arrives.

Fang Ze smiled politely at the woman, and then stepped out of the elevator.

The elevator door behind him slowly closed.

"The girl just now seems to be from the Intelligence Department."

Fang Ze looked back.

The fifth floor thought flashed by, Fang Ze withdrew his gaze.

There are already many people coming and going, but they are not interested in Fang Ze.

This is exactly what Fang Ze wanted.

On the right is the direction of Lane's office, which is very remote.

On the left, is the lobby of the CIA, and that is the core.

Fang Ze stood there for three seconds3, and then chose to turn left.

Go through this corridor and you will reach the lobby.

According to Lane, further left in the hall is the Action Room.

What Fang Ze has to do is to first find out whether Jayden is here or not.


"what are you doing here"

Fang Ze's footsteps stopped.

In this place, just wandering around is sure to attract attention.

even if you are an employee

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