Chapter 583 Obstruction

End of corridor.

Fang Ze slowly turned around.

Behind him stood a middle-aged man, wearing a neat suit and tie.

Fang Ze tried to search for memory in his mind, but there was no such person at all.

For a second, Fang Ze's thinking turned sharply.

There are three possibilities for this situation.

First, Ryan lied and deliberately left out a few people.

Second, Ryan made a mistake.

Third, Ryan did not know the other party, but the other party knew or met Ryan.

Fang Ze decisively chose the third possibility.

"you are"

Fang Ze looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and opened his mouth in doubt.

The man smiled slightly and said: "You may have forgotten that there was a shortage of goods before, and I personally went to the warehouse to get the goods."

"I'm Mason from the Administration."

Hearing this, Fang Ze thought for a while, then apologized: "I'm sorry, I don't have the impression."

Mason said with a smile: "It's normal, after all, it happened a long time ago."

"By the way, what are you doing here?"

As he spoke, Mason pointed to the hall.

The CIA clearly stipulates that the personnel of the logistics department cannot walk around without special circumstances.

Especially the operations office on the first floor and the intelligence office on the fifth floor.

The level of secrecy in both places is high.

Even serving CIA personnel are not allowed to come and go at will.

How to answer this question is definitely not possible to just wander around.

The people in the management office are very vigilant, and a single point can arouse their suspicion, and make themselves the focus of attention.

Not against Fang Ze, but against Ryan.

Stealing intelligence secrets for money is not uncommon.

At the moment, Fang Ze said: "The color ink has not arrived in the past few days,

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I'll go to the office and let me know."

The office is also on the first floor.

"Color Ink"

Mason still wondered: "Why not make a phone call"

The CIA has an internal phone line, and it is not faster to make a direct call. Fang Ze said with a smile: "Just in time for the morning shift, I got out of the elevator by the way, sorry."


Mason nodded and said, "In the future, if you make a phone call for such a trivial matter and walk around casually, it will easily lead to misunderstandings."

Fang Ze said: "Understood."


Mason left quickly.

He didn't care about this little thing.

Similar things happen frequently.

After Mason left, Fang Ze's eyes narrowed slightly.

He didn't expect this place to be so strict.

Even your own people must be protected.

This undoubtedly added double the difficulty and risk to his next actions.

Finding someone is easy.

Murder is also easy.

But how to leave quietly is not easy.

It looks like he needs to change his plans.

At least, you can't be so blatant to check.

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