"It's not a big deal, I think I still have to talk to you."

Hearing this, Smith finally raised his head and said in surprise: "Jaden has been to the warehouse before"

In the voice, the meaning of doubt is very obvious.

Fang Ze nodded and affirmed: "He said his name was Jayden."

This is what he made up.

I won't wear it for a short time.

It's just a trivial matter, and Smith shouldn't ask Jayden himself.


Sure enough, Smith just nodded and said, "Jayden has a special status in the CIA, so don't bother."

"Give him what he wants."

Fang Ze said: "Okay, I know."

"It's just that he said he was working on the sixth floor, but the intelligence office was on the fifth floor, so I asked a few more questions."

Hearing this, Smith said strangely: "You remembered wrong on the sixth floor, he is on the seventh floor."


Fang Ze scratched his head and said apologetically, "Sorry sir, I may have heard it wrong."


Smith didn't care, and continued to look at the information in his hand.

Soon, he closed the folder and said, "I will handle the problem you mentioned myself, first."


Fang Ze smiled slightly.

Before leaving, Smith also patted Fang Ze on the shoulder, signaling him to work hard.

It can be seen that Fang Ze's timely response to the problem this time made Smith very appreciated.

After sending Smith away, Fang Ze's smile slowly faded.

The friendly, respectful eyes dimmed, replaced by sharpness.

"Seventh Floor"

If it wasn't for Smith, such a big CIA would be hard to find

Chapter 586 Seventh Floor [1]

At ten o'clock in the morning, the seventh floor of the CIA.

The elevator door opened slowly.

A man who looked like a cleaner walked out with a bucket, mop and other tools in his hand.

It was Fang Ze without a doubt.

But he has changed his face and is no longer "Lane"

Lane's work is still very leisurely on weekdays. As long as there is no company delivery, no one will know that he disappears for a few hours.

Regardless of

In which unit, the service staff is always the least presence.

This is also a good thing for Fang Ze.

After arriving on the seventh floor, Fang Ze didn't walk around casually, but kept walking around: near the elevator entrance.

During the period, someone entered and exited the elevator, and there was no doubt about Fang Ze.

At most it's just a glance.

It's common for cleaners to clean up.

At the moment in the bathroom on the first floor, the original cleaner has been stripped naked, his mouth is sealed, and he is trapped in a single room.

Again, safety first.

In a place like the CIA, it is very dangerous to have one more person at random, and it is easy to attract attention.

Instead: , is the safest way.

At least in a short period of time, no one will find an abnormality.

While observing the surroundings, Fang Ze constructed the way of hands-on in his mind.

Now that I have come to the country, I have found the approximate location of Jayden.

Then what Fang Ze has to do is to kill this person.

This is also his ultimate goal.

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