A trial is impossible, Fang Ze is very clear about this.

The only way to go is lynching.

For a cruel murderer like Jaden, who bears several lives, Ze will not have any psychological burden when he moves his hands.

Not to mention my race.

Now the last question remains: how to do it.

Fang Ze has carefully observed it, and the monitoring of the building has almost achieved no dead ends.


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Including elevators, stairs, and even grocery rooms, etc.

He knew that all the monitoring must be live synchronously throughout the whole process.

Everything that happens, the monitoring room will see it clearly.

It's not hard to find Jayden.

But as long as he does it, he will be discovered immediately.

Although Fang Ze is confident in his own strength, he does not want to be surrounded by this building in a foreign country.

No matter how powerful he is, he is still flesh and blood.

Once surrounded, the possibility of leaving is almost zero.

So, he had to leave the CIA safely after he started.

As long as it is not a closed space and cannot form an encircling circle, then the possibility of dealing with it is very high.

He didn't want to explain it here.

After weighing the pros and cons, Fang Ze made a preliminary decision.

Hands on in the bathroom.

The premise is that Jayden will go.

If the situation changes, Fang Ze will choose another way.

No matter what, people must be killed.

He will not let those Huaxia college students die in vain.

Fang Ze is still cleaning up carefully and meticulously.

Around, there are people coming and going.

No one would have thought that an ordinary cleaner beside him would be an extremely dangerous person.

This danger is aimed at the CIA.

At a certain moment, Fang Ze stopped in his footsteps, and then walked casually into the bathroom on the right.

This is the only bathroom on the seventh floor.

He put the tools in the corner and went into the men's toilet.

There is no one inside.

After glancing at the environment layout, Fang Ze withdrew again.

Now he needs to find Jayden.

As long as you are sure that the other party is on the seventh floor, then you are basically dead.

Even if he can't do it in the bathroom, Fang Ze has countless ways to achieve a perfect assassination.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!,

Chapter 587 Successfully succeeded [1]

It's eleven o'clock in the morning.

In order to avoid attracting the attention of interested people, Fang Ze did not choose to stay on the seventh floor all the time, but wandered back and forth between the first and seventh floors.

Perhaps because of the approaching noon, the people in the corridor gradually became: more and more.

As for Fang Ze, it was inevitable that he had to accept more scrutiny.

After realizing this, Fang Ze pressed the brim of his hat to reduce his presence as much as possible.

Psychologically speaking, as long as you don't look at others, the probability of others looking at you will be much lower.

This is selective attention among groups.

If the identity gap is obvious, the probability will be lower.

At a certain moment, the elevator door suddenly opened.

With the sound of footsteps, a voice entered Fang Ze's ears.

"Oh Mr Jayden"

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